Electronic Reserves
Texts in the Virtual Campus ("Electronic Reserves")

The copyright law allows for essays and small parts of works protected by copyright to be uploaded to the virtual campus (VC) for lectures.
We offer a digitalisation service for works from the stock of the university library: we scan the required documents for you and send them via email.
The legal basis for electronic reserves is § 60a UrhG, which allows:
- up to 15% of a published work (e.g. book),
- figures,
- single articles from the same journals or from scientific journals,
- other works in small extent or
- out-of-print works
to be uploaded to the virtual campus.
Except for articles from the F.A.Z. - library portal, due to permission from F.A.Z., it is not allowed to upload newspaper articles to electronic reserves.
Furthermore, it is not permitted to upload complete books to the virtual campus. However, it is legally unproblematic if you link to a licensed book by the university library or to a freely accessible e-book.
It is important that only teachers, students of the respective course, and teachers and examiners from the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg have access to electronic reserves. Third parties are only allowed access if that is beneficial to the respective class, its results or the learning results of the students at the university.
The purpose of making the works accessible has to be to illustrate the teaching and is not permitted to serve commercial purposes.
The law includes a flat-rate payment, which still needs to be negotiated.