Book scanners | |
Carrels | - in Branch Libraries 3 and 4
Computers | - PCs for searching the Online Catalogue, databases, and the internet are found in all Branch Libraries.
Copy machines | - To make copies, use your chip card.
- Machines for recharging your chip card are placed in the entrance areas of Branch Libraries 3 and 4, in front of ERBA Library and in the foyers of the canteens Feldkirchenstraße and Austraße.
- Guest cards for non-members can be obtained in all branch libraries.
- There are machines with recycled paper and with fresh fiber paper.
DVD drives | - can be borrowed in all Branch Libraries for use in the reading room
EvaExam | - Special scanner for EvaExam to evaluate the examniations in EvaExam directly. The scanner is located in Branch Library 3 in room UB/01.04b. Please book a scanning appointment
EvaSys | - The EvaSys scanner is located in Branch Library 3
Group roums | - in all Branch Libraries is at least one group study room
- in Branch Libraries 2, 3, and 4 are bookable group study rooms
- more free rooms to study at the university can be found with the Room Finder Service of the Student Council for the WIAI Faculty, which is based on data from Univis
Interactive whiteboard | - in room HM2/01.16 of Branch Library 4
Internet access (Wifi or LAN) | |
Lockers | |
Network cables | - can be borrowed in all Branch Libraries for use in the reading room
Parent-child room | |
Printers | - in all Branch Libraries, can be used with chip card
- To print copies with icprint, you will need your chip card and ba number.
Readers for microforms | - in Branch Libraries 2 to 5
Record player | - a record player with digitising function is available on request in Branch Library 3
Return box | - for the return of borrowed media even outside opening hours
- in Branch Libraries 3 and 4
Return shelve | - for the return of borrowed media
- in Branch Library 5 and in the ERBA Library
Self-service checkouts | |
Standsomes | - in Branch Libraries 2 to 5 and in the ERBA Library
Touchscreen | |
Work-station for the vision-impaired | |