Introductory library sessions
This is our basics session which focuses on searching for literature and checking out items: How do I search the Online Catalogue? How do I find books in the University Library and how long can I keep them? How do I find articles in magazines and how does interlibrary search work?
The introduction is obligatory for students of English and American Studies, German Language, Literature and Culture, Romance Studies and Slavic Studies. It is interdisciplinary and only has to be completed once.
The library introduction is designed as an e-learning course in the virtual campus and includes learning materials as well as exercises and a test. Log into the virtual campus with your ba-number and enrol in the course „Basiskurs Bibliothek“.
Please note: currently the Basiskurs is only available in German.
Certificate of attendance
To obtain a certificate, you must successfully complete the final test. Participation in one of the general introductory events of the University Library does not replace this course!
If you have any question, please contact basiskurs.ub(at)uni-bamberg.de.
Subject-specific notes
Englisch and American Studies: The course is an integral part of the "Introduction to English and American Literary Studies". It is highly recommended you take the course within the first semester. Please note the course „Database Research“ is also obligatory for students of English and American Studies.
German Studies: The course is an integral part of the "Einführung in die Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft".
Roman Studies: The course is an integral part of the "Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft für Romanisten". Please note the course „Database Research“ is also obligatory for students of Roman Studies.
Slavic Studies: The course is an integral part of all introductory courses in Slavic Studies (Introduction to literature, language, arts and culture).
It is recommended that students in historical or geographical subjects attend an introductory course to the library. The course is interdisciplinary and only has to be taken once.
The library introduction is designed as an e-learning course in the virtual campus and includes learning materials as well as exercises and a test. Log into the virtual campus with your ba-number and enrol in the course „Basiskurs Bibliothek“. Please note: currently, the Basiskurs is available only in German.
Certificate of attendance
To obtain a certificate, you must successfully complete the final test. Participation in one of the general introductory events of the University Library does not replace this course!
If you have any question, please contact basiskurs.ub(at)uni-bamberg.de.
The introduction is highly recommended for students of Communication Studies. It is interdisciplinary and only has to be completed once.
The library introduction is designed as an e-learning course in the virtual campus and includes learning materials as well as exercises and a test. Log into the virtual campus with your ba-number and enrol in the course „Basiskurs Bibliothek“. Please note: currently, the Basiskurs is available only in German.
Certificate of attendance
To obtain a certificate, you must successfully complete the final test. Participation in one of the general introductory events of the University Library does not replace this course!
If you have any question, please contact basiskurs.ub(at)uni-bamberg.de.
The introductory course is obligatory for students of Education, Primary Education and Psychology.
In the Master's degree programmes Adult and Further Education and Educational Science, it is compulsory to work on it during the first semester introduction days.
The course is interdisciplinary and only has to be completed once.
The library introduction is designed as an e-learning course in the virtual campus and includes learning materials as well as exercises and a test. Log into the virtual campus with your ba-number and enrol in the course „Basiskurs Bibliothek“. Please note: currently, the Basiskurs is available only in German.
Certificate of attendance
To obtain a certificate, you must successfully complete the final test. Participation in one of the general introductory events of the University Library does not replace this course!
If you have any question, please contact basiskurs.ub(at)uni-bamberg.de.
Subject-specific notes
- Education: This course is an integral part of the "Tutorium für Studienanfänger: Einführung ins erziehungs- und bildungswissenschaftliche Arbeiten" (Allgemeine Pädagogik - Vertiefungsmodul I).
- Primary Education: This course is an integral part of the seminar "Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und der Forschung in der Grundschulpädagogik und -didaktik" (Grundlagenmodul Grundschulpädagogik und -didaktik II).
- Psychology: This course is an integral part of the mandatory module "Soft skills Psychologie" (Pflichtmodul Einführung in die Psychologie, ihre Geschichte und ethischen Grundlagen).
The course is an obligatory for students of Political Sciences. It is interdisciplinary and only has to be completed once.
The library introduction is designed as an e-learning course in the virtual campus and includes learning materials as well as exercises and a test. Log into the virtual campus with your ba-number and enrol in the course „Basiskurs Bibliothek“. Please note: currently, the Basiskurs is available only in German.
Certificate of attendance
To obtain a certificate, you must successfully complete the final test. Participation in one of the general introductory events of the University Library does not replace this course!
If you have any question, please contact basiskurs.ub(at)uni-bamberg.de.
The introduction is highly recommended for students of Sociology. It is interdisciplinary and only has to be completed once.
The library introduction is designed as an e-learning course in the virtual campus and includes learning materials as well as exercises and a test. Log into the virtual campus with your ba-number and enrol in the course „Basiskurs Bibliothek“. Please note: currently, the Basiskurs is available only in German.
Certificate of attendance
To obtain a certificate, you must successfully complete the final test. Participation in one of the general introductory events of the University Library does not replace this course!
If you have any question, please contact basiskurs.ub(at)uni-bamberg.de.
The course is an obligatory for students of Catholic and Protestant Theology. It is interdisciplinary and only has to be completed once.
The library introduction is designed as an e-learning course in the virtual campus and includes learning materials as well as exercises and a test. Log into the virtual campus with your ba-number and enrol in the course „Basiskurs Bibliothek“. Please note: currently, the Basiskurs is available only in German.
Certificate of attendance
To obtain a certificate, you must successfully complete the final test. Participation in one of the general introductory events of the University Library does not replace this course!
If you have any question, please contact basiskurs.ub(at)uni-bamberg.de.
Subject-specific notes
Protestant Theology: This course is an integral part of the "Theologisch-religionspädagogischen Propädeutikums".
Catholic Theology: This course is an integral part of the "Orientierungskurs".
The course is an obligatory for students of Economic Studies.It is interdisciplinary and only has to be completed once.
The library introduction is designed as an e-learning course in the virtual campus and includes learning materials as well as exercises and a test. Log into the virtual campus with your ba-number and enrol in the course „Basiskurs Bibliothek“. Please note: currently, the Basiskurs is available only in German.
Certificate of attendance
To obtain a certificate, you must successfully complete the final test. Participation in one of the general introductory events of the University Library does not replace this course!
If you have any question, please contact basiskurs.ub(at)uni-bamberg.de.
Our introductory courses are open to all interested parties. If your subject of study is not specifically mentioned in this list, you can user the interdisciplinary learning materials in the virtual campus to educate yourself about literature research and checking out items. Please take a look at the „Basiskurs Bibliothek“ (currently only available in German).
If you have any question, please contact basiskurs.ub(at)uni-bamberg.de.
You are familiar with libraries from your previous studies – we’ll familiarize you with the specifics in the University Library Bamberg.
Depending on your level of knowledge we’ll focus on using the Bamberg Catalogue, the borrowing rules, inter library loans and/or subject-specific research in databases.
Students, who transfered to Bamberg for their master’s degree and doctoral candidates, who used to study in a different university.
ca. 60 - 90 minutes
Dates, Location, Registration
No registration is needed for the session as part of the orientation days for new students.
Beyond that we recommend to participate in one of the introductory courses and database courses for your specific subject (see the respective course descriptions about registration).
Should you have any question, please contact your branch library.
- Researching literature in the Bamberg Catalogue
- Inter library loans
- Overview of the online services of the library
- Borrowing rules and acquisition suggestions
- Course reserves and digital course reserves in the VC
- Contacts in the library
- Guided tour through the branch library
Department staff, secretaries, supporting staff, tutors
ca. 90 minutes
Dates, Location, Registration
Please register in the Virtual Campus. You’ll find an overview of the current dates and locations there as well.
We offer several introducotry courses for schools. Please contuct us, should you be interested!