Publishing Open Access
The Open Access Declaration of the Otto Friedrich University Bamberg:
- The University is committed to the principles of Open Access as described in the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities".
- The University management encourages the university's scientists and scholars to publish their publications and research results in the University's Research Information System (FIS) as original work or as preprint or postprint.
This will significantly increase the visibility of the publications and make the documents locatable by search engines and reference services.
The Otto Friedrich University supports Open Access publishing financially and through its own services:
- Funding of Open Access articles in journal
- Funding of Open Access monographs and Open Access articles in collected editions
- Institutional repository within the Research Information System (FIS) (primary and secondary publications)
- University of Bamberg Press (OA books and OA journals)
Open Access means that scientific and scholarly publications are available free of charge and publicly on the internet and can be used, copied, distributed and reproduced without restriction, provided that the authorship is correctly stated. The author retains all rights to the publication.
Open Access publishing thus increases the visibility of research results and illustrates the impressive performance of the university.
This way OA books and scientific articles in OA journals are spread worldwide quickly and easily, and they can be located and used more easily. For OA books and OA journals, quality control is usually carried out in the same way as for traditional journals and publishing workflows.
Open Access is one aspect of Open Science.
The term Open Science consolidates [...] strategies and procedures that all aim to make [...] all parts of the scientific process openly accessible and reusable via the Internet. This is intended to open up new possibilities for science, society and the economy in dealing with scientific findings.
Mission Statement of the German-speaking Open Science AG, 2014.
Open Science has many different aspects, including open access to scientific publications (Open Access), to research data (Open Data) or to free educational materials (Open Educational Resources), as well as the use of open source software and open peer review processes.
Open access to scientific publications, research data and scientific software not only improves the supply of information within science. It also enables a more transparent research process and improved quality assurance of scientific work.
The University supports the funding of publication fees of articles in quality-assessed OA journals, contributions to collective works and monographs that are published OA via OA funds and agreements with publishers:
- Funding of articles in Open Access journals
- Funding of Open Access monographs and Open Access articles in collected editions
In each case the coverage of costs id linked to the fulfilment of certain criteria, which are listed on the websites above.
In addition, the university management encourages the university's researchers to support OA journals as reviewers, editors and publishers. The Directory of Open Access Journals provides a comprehensive list of OA journals.
There are two options for open access publishing: the "Golden Route" and the "Green Route".
The term "Golden Way" describes the publishing of scientific papers directly in open access journals or through open access publishers.
Often, the financing of open access magazines is facilitated in a model financed by the authors.
Authors and editors must pay publication fees for publication. For articles, these are the so-called "article processing charges" (ABCs), for books the "book processing charges" (BPCs). In the case of journals, the usually considerable subscription or licensing costs for the journal do not apply.
The term "Green Route" is the parallel publication of planned or already published research articles on document servers (repositories). Most scientific publishers allow journal articles and contributions to collective works to be published as pre- or post-prints via the publishers' self-archiving policies. Information on which publishers allow secondary publication for which journals on the university's web pages can be found in the Sherpa/Romeo list.
FIS - The Research Information System (FIS) is the institutional repository of the University of Bamberg, where researchers of the university can publish Open Access directly (primary publication, Diamond Open Access) or make their already published research articles available in parallel and without a payment barrier (secondary publication, Green Open Access).
UBP - as a member of the University of Bamberg you can publish with the University of Bamberg Press or edit a journal.
oa.finder - you have prepared a manuscript and would like to publish Open Access in a journal - but you don't know exactly in which one and whether it will cost you anything? Or you would like to publish a book in Open Access, but don't know which publisher offers OA? Then the oa.finder can help you!
B!SON - stands for 'Bibliometric and Semantic Open Access Recommender Network'. It is being developed in the project of the same name by TIB and SLUB Dresden. The aim of the project is to implement a recommendation service for quality-assured Open Access journals.
DOAJ - The Directory of Open Access Journals offers a comprehensive list of OA journals.
Extensive information on the topic of law and OA can be found at iRights, including a detailed dossier on Creative Commons licences.
You can find a lot of information on Open Access on the information platform, which is supported by the German Research Foundation, the German Rectors' Conference and many science organisations, among others.
A comprehensive list of Open Access journals is provided by the Directory of Open Access Journals. Publishers and quality-assured Open Access books can be found in the Directory of Open Access Books and in the OAPEN Library.
Information on which publishers allow secondary publication for which journals on the university's web pages can be found in the Sherpa/Romeo list.
The major research and science organisations, the German Rectors' Conference as well as the Otto Friedrich University support the Open Access idea in the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.
The Alliance of German Science Organisations has published Frequently Asked Questions on Open Access and the Right to Secondary Publication, which also contain numerous interesting facts and figures.
The University Library provides information on the possibilities of Open Access and advises all university members on Open Access publishing and the financing of Open Access publications:
University Library Bamberg
Dipl-Volksw. Barbara Ziegler
0951 863-1595
Dr. Fabian Franke
0951 863-1500
Feel free to book a counseling appointment via Book-A-Librarian.
If you have any questions regarding the consideration of OA when applying for research projects, you can contact the Department of Research Funding and Transfer:
Department of Research Funding and Transfer (Z/FFT):
0951 863-1029