Veröffentlichung von Dr. Anica Kramer im Journal of Economic Geography

Frau Dr. Anica Kramer, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für VWL, insb. Empirische Mikroökonomik, hat gemeinsam mit Sebastian Braun (Universität Bayreuth), Michael Kvasnicka (Universität Magdeburg) und Philipp Meier (Universität Bayreuth) einen Beitrag mit dem Titel "Local labor markets and the persistence of population shocks: Evidence from West Germany, 1939–1970" im Journal of Economic Geography veröffentlicht.



This article studies the persistence of a large, unexpected and regionally very unevenly distributed population shock, the inflow of eight million ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe to West Germany after World War II. Using detailed census data from 1939 to 1970, we show that the shock proved persistent within local labor markets, but was largely reversed between labor markets. These results show that the choice of spatial units can significantly affect the estimated persistence of population shocks. They can thus help to explain why previous studies on the persistence of population shocks reached conflicting conclusions.


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