Academic Institutions

Types of academic institutions at the University of Bamberg

Centres and Institutes: The University of Bamberg bundles the competencies of different faculties in interdisciplinary centres. The academic institutes also carry out contract research.

Competence centres: A research centre pools specialist expertise and focuses on applying it in practice.

Research Centres and Units: The university’s sophisticated organisational structures enable research centres and units to develop and sustain competencies in specific research focus areas.

Scholars conduct studies in various Labs at the University of Bamberg. They test new concepts, teach, explore questions, develop solutions, and try out experiments. The labs have different objectives and are equipped in different ways.

Affiliated institutes: Affiliated institutes in Bamberg are independent research institutes, both in organisational and legal terms, whose particular strength lies in carrying out application-oriented research and development projects. They are closely linked to the University regarding personnel and content and are headed by University of Bamberg professors.

Bamberg Graduate Schools: Bamberg Graduate Schools are doctoral programmes that are organised around a thematic research framework within which a community of doctoral students benefits from a network of supervising professors. Quality assurance measures include mandatory committee procedures for establishment, overall guidelines for drafting regulations, and standards for the structure and evaluation of the Bamberg Graduate Schools.

TRAc projects: These are independent, third-party funded projects that are not assigned to a professorship or an institute but are linked to the University of Bamberg without a hierarchical relationship via the Trimberg Research Academy (TRAc). This can involve smaller projects as well as, for example, early career research groups.