John Tombola Barabara-Brot für die Welt Stipendiat

Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Pädagogik
Markusplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
- Since 2023: PhD student at the University of Bamberg. Topic: Developing Learners’ Oral communication through Tasks: Perceptions of Secondary School Teachers from DRC. 1st supervisor:Professor Dr. Annette Scheunpflug.
- 2017-2019: M.A. in Educational Quality for Developing Countries, University of Bamberg. Thesis: Cognitive activation by complex tasks in English textbooks: case of English for Africa, “students’ books” in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- 2009-2014: B.A. in Applied Pedagogy, English Language Teaching from the Institut Supérieur Pédagogique of Bukavu (ISP Bukavu/DRC).
- 2002-2008: Secondary education, section of General Pedagogy, at Kabamba high school, Bukavu/DRC
Professional experience:
- March 2020 –present: Pedagogic adviser, Coordination of CBCA schools in South Kivu.
- December 2017- January 2020: CBCA School Vice Principal, Tuendelee high school.
- November 2014 – present: Member of the teaching staff in the Department of English at Institut Supérieur Pédagogique of Bukavu (ISP/Bukavu).
- September 2013 –July 2015: Teacher of English at Bugabo secondary school, Bukavu.
- September 2012 – July 2014: Teacher of English at La Promesse secondary school, Bukavu.
Research Areas:
- English language teaching
- Tasks and oral communication
- Educational Quality
- Tombola, B. J. (2021). Cognitive activation by complex tasks in secondary school English textbooks: “English for Africa” in the Democratic Republic of Congo [Master thesis, University of Bamberg]. Burate: PIASS.
- Kaleba, W. J. & Tombola, B. J. (2017). English as a language of community problem solving and conflict resolution: the case of English clubs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In E.J. Erling (Ed.), English across the fracture lines: The contribution and relevance of English to security, stability and peace (pp. 129-136). London: Spring Gardens.
- Tombola, J. B. (2023). Education in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bamberg Teacher Education for a Global World (BaTEG), online.
- Tombola, J. B. (2020). Reflecting tasks in textbooks to enhance global learning. 5th IMPEQ Conference, Huye/Rwanda.
- Tombola, J. B. (2019). Cognitive activation by complex tasks in English textbooks: Case of English for Africa, “students’ books” in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Symposium, Bamberg.