Project Outputs
IO1: Institutional description - September 2019

For finding organizational as well as communicational and cooperational patterns within the different implemented university school concepts in Europe a category system has been developed. Until end of July all partners will finish the national analysis for consolidation in September. The university of Bamberg will present the final result at the meeting in Brno in October.
Click here to download the complete institutional description.(515.3 KB)
IO2: Good practice collections – Beginning of 2020

n consequence of the institutional description of IO1 we want to find examples of good practice within the concept of university schools by comparing a theoretical concept with practical implementation. This would be done by telephone and online interviews with participants of the identified university school concept.
Click here to download the good practice collection.(1.4 MB)
IO3: Educational module – Beginning of 2021

On the basis of the first two intellectual outputs an educational module for school-based teachers and school leaders of university schools would be developed. The focus is on the implications for school-based teachers and school leaders acting within an university school concept and the different way of communicating and cooperating with universities. The development will be based on an active learning approach. The instructional materials (comprehensive language, visualizations, didactic reduction and transformation, etc.) will follow this approach.
Click here to download the elaborate educational module.(442.2 KB)
IO4: Handbook – Mid 2021

For dissemination of the university school concept in Europe a (digital) handbook describing the different university school concepts and their different implementation on the meso-level would be designed. lt includes orientation knowledge of university schools about teacher education in Europe and different possibilities to implement university schools. Furthermore it describes a common denominator (or at least patterns) in the different concepts.