
What we aim to do!
The Erasmus+ project EdUSchool (Enhancing European teacher education through University schools) aims to develop a common European understanding of the term 'university schools' and their concepts regarding all stakeholders. With this, we want to make a significant contribution to the European teacher education system. The professionalization of teacher education is a widely discussed phenomenon in Europe, especially the transfer from theory into practice and vice versa. The focus is on how to provide students with practical skills and knowledge during their professional education, which has led to a current 'practice turn' in teacher education. Therefore, a cooperation between schools, university and other stakeholders (e.g., local government, ministry, teacher organizations) on the organizational level is needed. In this field, an innovative concept is the organization of 'university schools' similar to the idea of university hospitals, where teaching and research are supposed to build a productive combination. The intention of university schools is to build a strategic alliance with an university for educating the future teachers in study programs and to cooperate in research and school development processes.
EdUSchool’s objectives in a nutshell!
- Establishing an European understanding of university schools as an important stimulus for the future of teacher education in Europe
- Identifying success factors for implementing university schools related to different stakeholders (i.e. non-governmental institutions)
- Identifying good practice activities of university schools in Europe to develop an orientation knowledge for teacher educators and teachers at university schools in the form of a digital handbook
- Developing an educational module for teachers at university schools
Who we are!
Our consortium consists of 5 partners (University of Bamberg (project leader), University of Lisbon, Masaryk University (MU), University of Norway (NTNU) and University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) and 4 university schools (associate partners: Commercial School Bamberg, Vocational business School Nuremberg, Charlottenlund und secondary school (Norway) and university-school in Czech: basic school). All partners are experts in the field of teacher education and have already implemented the concept of university schools.