Support of the initiative "Ich beim Arzt"

The Chair of Marketing supports the initiative "Ich beim Arzt" because the doctor-patient communication is a central aspect of successful Patient Empowerment.

Further information about the initiative are provided here:  "Ich beim Arzt".

The cooperation should provide a practical insight into the research topic Patient Empowerment.

The central research results of a Master thesis with practical background from 2014 are available here. (1.5 MB, 33 pages)

A successful communication with patients is not only important in the context of the doctor-patient relationship but also important for the communication between patients and nursing staff during hospital care. Research results of a Master thesis regarding this topic are available here(323.2 KB).

The improvement of the doctor-patient relationship is a complex and important project, therefore the initiative depends on the diversity of its supporters.

Important partners of this inititive are: