05/17/2024 Research transfer on AI value creation in companies Dr. Konstantin Hopf speaks at companies and practice conferences 11/24/2023 Research team finds striking complementarities in digital behavioral interventions. . Read more @ the Journal of Public Economics 09/25/2023 Best Paper Award of the 18th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 09/28/2022 Andreas Weigert et al. publish a research article in Energy Policy, a leading journal in the energy field 08/05/2021 Two new research projects to use machine learning in the distribution of sustainable energy products Bits-to-Energy Lab in Bamberg receives research funding for two joint industry projects 02/02/2021 Digital feedback study selected as one of Nature Energy's five-year favorites. 06/25/2020 Sebastian Günther et al. publish article in Global Environmental Change, a top journal in environmental sciences 06/17/2020 Successful completion of the ERA-Net project "SmartLoad” 01/20/2020 Two research awards for Bits-to-Energy-Lab and our research partners We are very happy about the awards for research work in the field of "Energy Data Analytics" 04/30/2019 Konstantin Hopf defended dissertation on "Predictive Analytics for Energy Efficiency and Energy Retailing" 11/22/2018 Real-time feedback promotes energy conservation in the absence of volunteer selection bias and monetary incentives Study named Research Highlight by Nature 06/13/2018 Largest study in Germany on energy and hot water usage in the shower 05/07/2018 Workshop Machine Learning and Energy Products Marketing 02/27/2018 Two awards at ICIS 12/20/2017 Best paper award at the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems in Seoul, South Korea 08/01/2017 New research project "SmartLoad" as part of the EU ERA-Net SG+ initiative 08/23/2016 Recent thesis topics