Dangis, G., Terho, K., Graichen, J., Günther, S. A., Rosio, R., Salanterä, S., Staake, T., Stingl, C. (2023): Hand hygiene of kindergarten children—Understanding the effect of live feedback on handwashing behaviour, self-efficacy, and motivation of young children: Protocol for a multi-arm cluster randomized controlled trial. In: PLOS ONE [link]
Hopf, K., Weigert, A., Staake, T. (2022). Value creation from analytics with limited data: a case study on the retailing of durable consumer goods. Journal of Decision Systems, Online veröffentlicht am 07. April 2022, DOI: 10.1080/12460125.2022.2059172
Weigert, A., Hopf, K., Günther, S. A., & Staake, T. (2022). Heat pump inspections result in large energy savings when a pre-selection of households is performed: A promising use case of smart meter data. Energy Policy, 169, 113156.
Stingl, C., Günther, S. A., Staake, T. (2021): A Feedback Information System for Improving Hand Hygiene on a Personal and Organizational Level. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Duisburg-Essen, Germany [link], 88-94
Günther, S., Staake, T., Schöb, S., Tiefenbeck, V. (2020): The behavioral response to a corporate carbon offset program: A field experiment on adverse effects and mitigation strategies. Global Environmental Change, Volume 64, September 2020, 102123.
Günther, S., Stingl, C., Coroamă, V. C., Schöb, S., Staake, T. (2020): Empowering Personalized Feedback on Hot Water Usage: A Field Study with Shower Meters. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2020, Brno, Czechia [link], 763 - 766
Wenig J., Sodenkamp M., Staake T. (2019) Battery versus infrastructure: Tradeoffs between battery capacity and charging infrastructure for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Applied Energy, Volume 255, December 2019. [Link]
Sodenkamp M., Wenig J., Thiesse F., Staake T. (2019) Who can drive electric? Segmentation of car drivers based on longitudinal GPS travel data. Energy Policy, Volume 130, July 2019, 111-129. [Link]
Tiefenbeck, V., Wörner, A., Schöb S., Fleisch E., Staake, T. (2018) Real-time feedback promotes energy conservation in the absence of volunteer selection bias and monetary incentives. Nature Energy. [Link]
Tiefenbeck, V., Götte, L., Degan, K., Lalive R., Fleisch, E., Staake, T. (2018) Overcoming Salience Bias: How Real-Time-Feedback Fosters Resource Conservation. Management Science 64(3).
Schopfer, S., Tiefenbeck, V., Fleisch, E., Staake, Th. (2017) Providing primary frequency control with residential scale photovoltaic-battery systems. Computer Science - Research and Development.
Schöb, S., Günther, S., Regensburger, K., Staake, T. (2017) NIWM: non-intrusive water monitoring to uncover heat energy use in households. Computer Science - Research and Development.
Sodenkamp., M., Tavana, M., Di Caprio, D. (2016) Modelling Synergies in Multi-Criteria Supplier Selection and Order Allocation: An Application to Commodity Trading. European Journal of Operational Research.
Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., Staake, T. (2016) Supervised Classification with Interdependent Variables to Support Targeted Energy Efficiency Measures in the Residential Sector. Decision Analytics 3(1), p.1. Springer.
Scherer, M., Haubensak, O., Staake, T. (2015) Assessing distorted trading incentives of balance responsible parties based on the example of the Swiss power system. Energy Policy (86), 792-801. [PDF(954.7 KB, 10 pages)]
Sodenkamp, M., Hopf, K., Staake, T. (2015) Using supervised machine learning to explore energy consumption data in private sector housing. In Tavana, M. & Puranam, K. (Eds.): Handbook of Research on Organizational Transformations through Big Data Analytics. Hershey, USA: IGI Global.
Beckel, C., Sadamoria, L., Staake T., Santini, S. (2014) Revealing household characteristics from smart meter data. Energy (78), 397-410. [Link]
Hopf, K., Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., Staake, T. (2014) Feature extraction and filtering for household classification based on smart electricity meter data. Computer Science - Research and Development, 1-8. [Link]
Wenig, J., Staake, T. (2014) Evaluation of Four Possible Load Shifting Strategies for Electric Vehicles Utilizing Autoregressive Moving Average Methods for Electricity Price Forecasting. MMB & DFT 2014, p. 123.
Loock, C., Staake, T., Thiesse, F. (2013) Motivating energy-efficient behavior with Green IS: An investigation of goal setting and the role of defaults. MIS Quarterly 37(4), 1313-A5.
Burger, N., Staake, T., Fleisch, E., Hierold, C. (2013) Managing technology development teams – exploring the case of microsytems and nanosystems. R&D Management (43), 162-186.
Tiefenbeck, V., Tasic, V., Schoeb, S., Degen, K., Goette, L., Fleisch, E., Staake, T. (2013), Abschlussbericht der ewz-Amphiro-Studie, Final report to ewz. [PDF]
Sodenkamp, M., Suhl, L. (2012) A multicriteria multilevel group decision method for supplier selection and order allocation. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences 3(1), 81-105.
Staake, T., Thiesse, F., Fleisch, E. (2012) Business strategies in the counterfeit market. Journal of Business Research 65(5), 658-665. [PDF]
Weiß, M., Staake, T., Mattern, F., Fleisch, E. (2012) Creating user awareness: Changing energy usage with the help of a smartphone application.Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 16(6), Special Issue on Smartphone Applications and Services for Pervasive Computing, 655-664.
Thiesse, F., Staake, T., Schmitt, P., Fleisch, E. (2011) The Rise of the 'next-generation bar code': An international RFID adoption study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 16(5), 328-345.
Staake, T., Graml, T., Baeriswyl, M., Loock, C. (2011) Durch Online-Interaktion Kunden für Energiedienstleistungen begeistern. Zeitschrift für Energie, Markt, Wettbewerb 11(2).
Dada, A., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2011) A system of cumulative product-level environmental indicators. Journal of Cleaner Production (Handelsblatt Ranking 0.2), Special Issue on Sustainability Management beyond corporate boundaries (accepted for publication).
Tavana, M., Sodenkamp, M., Suhl, L. (2010) A soft multi-criteria decision analysis model with application to the European Union enlargement. Annals of Operations Research (181), 393-421.
Tavana, M., Sodenkamp, M., Perdashti, M. (2010) A fuzzy opportunity and threat aggregation approach in multicriteria decision analysis. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 9(4), 455-492.
Tavana, M., Sodenkamp, M. (2010) A fuzzy multi-criteria decision analysis model for advanced technology assessment at Kennedy Space Center. Journal of the Operational Research Society (61), 1459-1470.
Burger, N., Staake, T. (2010) From micro to nanosystems: An exploratory study of influences on innovation teams.International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences (2), 286-297.
Tavana, M., Bourgeois, B., Sodenkamp, M. (2009) A fuzzy multiple criteria Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) benchmarking system at the Department of Defense. Benchmarking: An International Journal 16 (2), 192-221.
Staake, T., Thiesse, F., Fleisch, E. (2009) The emergence of counterfeit trade: A literature review. European Journal of Marketing 32(3/4), 320-349.
Loock, C., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2009) Kundenportale in der Energiebranche: Bestandsaufnahme und Entwicklungspotenziale.Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 33(3), 268-274.
Ilic, A., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2009) Using sensor information to reduce the carbon footprint of perishable goods. Pervasive Computing IEEE 8(1), 22-29. [PDF]
Saaty, T., Sodenkamp, M. (2008) Making decisions in hierarchic and network systems. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 1(1), 24–79.
Sodenkamp, M. (2006) Decision support methods in the problems of multi-criteria choice: An analytical survey. Bulletin of Donetsk National University, Series A: Natural Sciences (2).
Haag, F., Stingl, C., Zerfass, K., Hopf, K., Staake, T. (2023). Overcoming Anchoring Bias: The Potential of AI and XAI-based Decision Support. 44th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India, December 10-13,
Haag, F., Günther, S. A., Hopf, K., Handschuh, P., Klose, M., Staake, T. (2023). Addressing Learners' Heterogeneity in Higher Education: An Explainable AI-based Feedback Artifact for Digital Learning Environments. 18th Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Paderborn, Germany, September 18-21,
Giacomazzi, E., Haag, F., Hopf, K. (2023). Short-term Electricity Load Forecasting using the Temporal Fusion Transformer: Effect of Grid Hierarchies and Data Sources. 14th International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy) 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 20-23,
Haag, F., Hopf, K., Menelau Vasconcelos, P., Staake, T. (2022). Augmented Cross-Selling Through Explainable AI – A Case From Energy Retailing. 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Timișoara, Romania,
Wastensteiner, J., Weiss, T. M., Haag, F., Hopf, K. (2021). Explainable AI for Tailored Electricity Consumption Feedback – An Experimental Evaluation of Visualizations, 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh, Morocco / Virtual, June 14 – 12,
Fteimi, N., Hopf, K. (2021). Knowledge Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence - Developing an Integrative Framework, 29. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh: Morocco / Virtual, June 14 – 12 Juni
Weigert, A., Hopf, K., Weinig, N., Staake, T. (2020) Detection of heat pumps from smart meter and open data, 9. DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics, Sierre, Schweiz, October 29 – 30, In: Energy Informatics, 3(Suppl 1):21, DOI: 10.1186/s42162-020-00124-6
Stingl, C., Hopf, K., Staake, T. (2018). Explaining and predicting annual electricity demand of enterprises – A case study from Switzerland, 7. DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics, Oldenburg, Germany, October 11 – 12, In: Energy Informatics, 1:50, DOI: 10.1186/s42162-018-0028-0
Kupfer, A. (2018): Research Methods in the Information Systems Discipline: A Literature Analysis of Conference Papers, 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New Orleans, USA, August 16-18
Kupfer, A., Tiefenbeck V., Staake T. (2018): The Ambiguous Boundary Between Professional and Private Use of Information Systems, 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, United Kingdom, June 23-28
Kupfer, Anna (2018): Self-tracking or Not? That is the question. Item Generation for Construct Development, Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Lüneburg, Germany, March 07-09
Hopf, K., Riechel, S., Sodenkamp, M., Staake, T. (2017). Predictive Customer Data Analytics – The Value of Public Statistical Data and the Geographic Model Transferability.38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul: South Korea, 10. – 13. December
Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., Hopf, K., Staake, T. (2017). Smart Meter Data Analytics for Enhanced Energy Efficiency in the Residential Sector. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2017, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 12-15 February
Ableitner L., Kupfer A., Tiefenbeck V., Schöb S., Staake T. (2016): Resource Conservation with Green IS: A Field Experiment on Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary strategies, SIGGreen Pre-ICIS Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, December 10-14
Tiefenbeck V., Kupfer A., Ableitner L., Schöb S., Staake T. (2016): The Uncertain Path from Good Intentions to Actual Behavior: A Field Study on Mobile App Usage, DIGIT Pre-ICIS Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, December 10-14
Kozlovskiy, I., Schöb, S., Sodenkamp, M. (2016). Non-intrusive disaggregation of water consumption data in a residential household. Lecture Notes in Informatics (accepted)
Kupfer A., Ableitner L., Schöb S., Tiefenbeck V. (2016): Technology Adoption vs. Continuous Usage Intention: do Decision Criteria Change when Using a Technology? 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Diego, CA, USA, August 11-13
Tiefenbeck V., Schöb S., Kupfer A., Staake T. (2016): Fostering Sustainable Consumer Decisions in Practice: The Impact of Real-time Feedback on Resource Consumption and Voluntary Carbon Offsetting, Behavioral Insights in Research and Policy Making, Wagening, Netherlands, July 08-10
Kupfer, A., Kehr F., Tiefenbeck V. (2016): Towards a measurement scale for self-tracking: Attitudes and user characteristics, 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey, June 12-15
Hopf, K., Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I. (2016). Energy Data Analytics for Improved Residential Service Quality and Energy Efficiency. ECIS, European Conference on Information Systems Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-15 June
Lossin, F., Kozlovskiy, I., Sodenkamp, M., Staake, T. (2016). Incentives to go green: An empirical investigation of monetary and symbolic rewards to motivate energy savings. ECIS, European Conference on Information Systems Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-15 June
Kozlovskiy, I., Sodenkamp, M., Hopf, K., Staake, T. (2016). Energy Informatics for Environmental, Economic and Societal Sustainability: A Case of the Large-Scale Detection of Households with Old Heating Systems. ECIS, European Conference on Information Systems Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-15 June
Lüders, P., Wenig, J., Sodenkamp, M. (2016) A Behavioral Approach to Energy-efficient Driving. 14. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz, Österreich (Feb 10-12, 2016)
Hopf, K., Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., Staake, T. (2015). Household Classification Using Annual Electricity Consumption Data, 4th D-A-CH Energieinformatik Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, Nov 12 – 13
Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., Staake, T. (2015) Gaining IS Business Value through Big Data Analytics: A Case Study of the Energy Sector. ICIS 2015 Proceedings, Ft. Worth, USA, December
Tasic, V., Tiefenbeck, V., Schoeb, S., Staake, T. (2015) Short-term Spark or Sustained Impact? Investigating the Long-term Effect of Real-time Feedback. ECIS 2015 Proceedings, Muenster, Germany, May
Tiefenbeck, V., Schoeb, S., Goette, L., Staake, T. (2015), Now or never? The importance of immediate energy use feedback, Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC 2015), Sacramento, USA
Hopf, K., Dageförde, F., Wolter, D. (2015). Identifying the Geographical Scope of Prohibition Signs, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference, COSIT 2015 Santa Fe, NM, USA, October 12–16, 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Wenig, J., Sodenkamp, M., Staake, T. (2015) Data-based Assessment of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Driving. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9424), pp. 115-126
Beckel, C., Kleiminger, W., Cicchetti R., Staake, T., Santini (2014) The ECO data set and the performance of non-intrusive load monitoring algorithms; 1st ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings (BuildSys 2014), Memphis, USA, November 5-6 2014
Kleiminger, W., Beckel, C., Staake, T., Santini, S. (2013) Occupancy Detection from Electricity Consumption Data; 5th ACM Workshop on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings (BUILDSYS), Rome, Italy, November 13-14 2013
Tiefenbeck, V., Tasic, V., Staake, T., Goette, L. (2013) Real-time feedback and social dynamics in energy conservation: Evidence from randomized trials with 50,000 showers.Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC), Sacramento, CA, USA, November 18-20
Tiefenbeck, V., Tasic, V., Schoeb, S., Staake, T. (2013) Mechatronics to drive environmental sustainability: Measuring, visualizing and transforming consumer patterns on a large scale. Energy Informatics, Vienna, Austria, November 12-13 [PDF]
Lossin, F., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2013) Online-based energy auditing and incentive mechanisms to reduce domestic energy consumption.SSES Annual Meeting, Neuchatel, Switzerland, June 20-21
Tiefenbeck, V., Tasic, V, Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2013) Contrasting the effects of real-time feedback on resource consumption between single- and multi-person households. SSES Annual Meeting, Neuchatel, Switzerland, June 20-21 [PDF]
Loock, C., Landwehr, J., Staake, T., Fleisch, E., Pentland, A. (2012) The influence of reference frame and population density on the effectiveness of social normative feedback on electricity consumption. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, FL, December 16-19 [PDF]
Paefgen, J., Staake, T., Thiesse, E. (2012) Resolving the misalignment between consumer privacy concerns and ubiquitous IS design: The case of usage-based insurance. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, FL, December 16-19
Tasic, V., Staake, T., Stiefmeier, T.,Tiefenbeck, V., Fleisch, E., Tröster, G. (2012) Self-powered water meter for direct feedback. 3rd International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT), Wuxi, P.R. China, October 24-26, 24-30 [PDF]
Tulusan, J., Staake, T. (2012) Providing eco-driving feedback to corporate car drivers:What impact does a smartphone application have on their fuel efficiency? Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, September 05-08, 212-215
Paefgen, J., Skorna, A., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2012) Einsatz ubiquitärer Informationssysteme in der Versicherungswirtschaft: Gestaltung von Pay-Per-Risk Tarifierungsmodellen. Multikonferenz der Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Braunschweig, Germany, February 29 – March 02, 83-95 [PDF]
Baeriswyl, M., Przepiorka, W., Staake, T. (2011) Identifying individuals’ preferences using games: A field experiment in promoting sustainable energy consumption.International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, P.R. China, December 04-07 [PDF]
Baeriswyl, M., Staake, T., Loock, C. (2011) The effects of user identity and sanctions in online communities on real-world behavior. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, P.R. China, December 04-07 [PDF]
Loock, C., Staake, T., Landwehr, J. (2011) Green IS design and energy conservation: An empirical investigation of social normative feedback. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, P.R. China, December 04-07
Tiefenbeck, V., Staake, T., Roth, S. (2011) Virtuous circle or license to waste: A field study of the spillover effects of water consumption feedback on other utilities. Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change Conference (BECC), Washington D.C., USA, November 29 - December 02 [PDF]
Loock, C., Baeriswyl, M., Graml, T., Staake, T. (2011) The closer the better: The role of proximity in reference groups in motivating sustainable energy consumption.Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change Conference (BECC), Washington D.C., USA, November 29 - December 02
Baeriswyl, M., Loock, C., Staake, T. (2011) Greater expectations: The role of initial rating in designing feedback to promote energy conservation. Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change Conference (BECC), Washington D.C., USA, November 29 - December 02
Paefgen, J., Michahelles, F., Staake, T. (2011) GPS trajectory feature extraction for driver risk profiling. International Workshop on Trajectory Data Mining and Analysis, 13th Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Beijing, P.R. China, September 17-21, 53-56
Tulusan, J., Staake, T., Soi, L. (2011) Eco-efficient feedback technologies (Abstract). Mobilität 3. Wissenschaftsforum, Duisburg, Germany, July 07
Tulusan, J., Soi, L., Paefgen, J., Staake, T. (2011) Eco-efficient feedback technologies: Which eco-feedback types prefer drivers most?World of WirelessMobile and Multimedia Networks IEEE Conference (WoWMoM), Lucca, Italy, June 20-24, 1-8
Graml, T., Loock, C., Baeriswyl, M., Staake, T. (2011) Improving residential energy consumption at large using persuasive systems. 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Helsinki, Finland, June 09 -11
Loock, C., Landwehr, J., Staake, T., Fleisch, E., Herrmann, A. (2011) I am green: The role of effort and image on green identity signaling.European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 24-27, 1-7
Loock, C., Graml, T., Baeriswyl., Staake, T. (2011) How to motivate energy efficiency online. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT), Miami Beach, FL, USA, April 10-14
Weiss, M., Loock, C., Staake, T., Mattern, F., Fleisch, E. (2010) Evaluating mobile phones as energy consumption feedback devices.Proceedings of 7th International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitous), Sydney, Australia, December 06-09, 63-77
Weiss, M., Staake, T., Mattern, F., Fleisch, E. (2010) PowerPedia – A smartphone application for community-based electricity consumption feedback. Proceedings of Smartphone 2010, Gwangju, South Korea, December 09-11
Weiss, M., Merkle, A., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2010) Towards a PowerPedia – A collaborative Energy Encyclopedia. Proceedings of UCSE2010 Workshop at Ubicomp 2010,1st Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing for Sustainable Energy (UbiComp), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26-29
von Watzdorf, S., Gebauer, H., Staake, T. (2010)Extending the Scope of Services in the Insurance Industry. Proceedings of the AMA SERVSIG Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 17-19 [PDF]
Graml, T., Loock, C., Staake, T. (2010) Online energy behavior change systems: What makes people stick?The 5th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PERSUASIVE), Kopenhagen, Denmark, June 07-10
Tulusan, J., Brogle, M., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2010) Becoming a sustainable driver: The impact of mobile feedback devices.The 4th ERCIM eMobility Workshop, Lulea, Sweden, May 31, 97
Burger, N., Staake, T. (2010) From micro to nanosystems: An exploratory study of influences on innovation teams.International Conference on Innovation, Engineering Management and Technology (ICIEMT), Tokyo, Japan, May 26-28, 74-85
Mattern, F., Staake, T., Weiss, M. (2010) ICT for Green – How computers can help us to conserve energy. Proceedings of e-Energy 2010, 1st international conference on energy-efficient computing and networking (e-Energy), Passau, Germany, April 13-15, 1-10
Weiss, M., Graml, T., Staake, T., Mattern, F., Fleisch, E. (2009) Handy feedback: Connecting smart meters with mobile phones. Proceedings of MUM 2009, 8th ACM SIGMOBILE Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM), Cambridge, UK, November 22-25, 15
Ilic, A., Schuster, E., Staake, T., Fleisch, E., Sarma, S. (2009) The Value of Sensor Information for Managing Perishable Goods. Poster at MIT LMP Summit, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 10
Weiss, M., Guinard, D., Staake, T., Roediger, W. (2009) eMeter: An interactive energy monitor. Adjunct Proceedings of UbiComp 2009,11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Orlando, FL, USA, September 30 – October 03
Dada, A., Konkel, M., Rau, A., Staake, T. (2009)Leveraging object tracking infrastructures to manage product carbon footprints. 2nd International Ambient Intelligence Forum (AmIF) Adjunct Proceedings, Demo. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, September 16- 17
Dada, A., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2009) Reducing environmental impact in procurement by integrating material parameters in information systems: The example of apple sourcing.Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Francisco, CA, USA, August 06-09, 369 [Link]
Dada, A., Staake, T. (2008) Carbon footprints from enterprises to product instances: The potential of the EPC network.Betriebliche Informationssysteme vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels,Informatik 2008, München, Germany, September 08-13
Staake, T., Thiesse, F., Fleisch, E. (2008) Estimating the global scale of counterfeit trade: A quantitative framework.Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, August 08-13
Dada, A., Graf von Reischach, F., Staake, T. (2008) Displaying dynamic carbon footprints of products on mobile phones. Advances in Pervasive Computing, Adjunct Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive), Sydney, Australia, May 19-22, 119-121
Dada, A., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2008) The potential of UbiComp technologies to determine the carbon footprints of products. Workshop on Pervasive Persuasive Technology and Environmental Sustainability,6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive), Sydney, Australia, May 19-22, 50-53
Slyeptsov, A., Sodenkamp, M. (2007) Decision making by the method of key success factors discrimination: The KeyANP. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP), Viña del Mar,Chile, August 02-06
Nochta, Z., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2006) Product specific security features based on RFID technology. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops (SAINTW’06), Phoenix, AZ, USA, January 23-27, 4-75
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E. (2006) From identification to authentication - A review of RFID product authentication techniques. Printed handout of Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDSec 06) Graz, Austria, July 12-14
Staake, T., Senger, E., Thiesse, F., Fleisch, E. (2005) Ubiquitous Network Societies: Their impact on the Telecommunication Industry.Document UNS/03, ITU, Geneva, April 06-08
Staake, T., Thiesse, F., Fleisch, E. (2005) Extending the EPC network: The potential of RFID in anti-counterfeiting. Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '05), Santa Fe, NM, USA, March 13-17, 1607-1612
Books and Book Chapter
Günther, S. A., Haag, F., Hopf, K., Handschuh, P., Klose, M., Staake, T. (2022). A feedback component that leverages counterfactual explanations for smart learning support. In: Perspektiven der Hochschuldidaktik: Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln – Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (forthcoming)
Hopf, K. (2019). Predictive Analytics for Energy Efficiency and Energy Retailing. Dissertation, Contributions of the Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg (36), University of Bamberg Press, Bamberg, DOI: 10.20378/irbo-54833
Sodenkamp, M., Hopf, K., Staake, T. (2015). Using supervised machine learning to explore energy consumption data in private sector housing.In Tavana, M. & Puranam, K. (Eds.): Handbook of Research on Organizational Transformations through Big Data Analytics 320-333. IGI Global,
Sodenkamp, M., Suhl, L. (2014) A multi-criteria vendor selection and order allocation GDSS using a mixed alternative- and value-focused-thinking approach. In: Tavana, M.: Analytical Approaches to Strategic Decision-Making: Interdisciplinary Considerations, Hershey, IGI Global, ISBN: 9781466659582 (accepted for publication)
Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E. (2011) The application of RFID as anti-counterfeiting technique - issues & opportunities. In: Sarma, S.E., Williams, J.R. (Hrsg.): RFID Technology and Applications. Reissue, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, ISBN: 978-0-521-16961-5, 157-168
Saaty, T., Sodenkamp, M. (2010) The analytic hierarchy and analytic network measurement process: The measurement of intangibles. In: Zopounidis, C., Pardalos, P. (Hrsg.): Handbook of Multicriteria Analysis. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, ISBN:978-3-540-92828-7, 91-166
Graml, T., Weiß, M., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2010) Smart metering & energie-effizienz-services. In: Friedli, T., Walti, N. (Hrsg.): Managementguide für Schweizer Energieversorgungsunternehmen. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Schweiz, ISBN: 978-3-258-07574-7, 253-261
Slyeptsov, A., Sodenkamp, M., Tyshchuk T. (2009) Objective and subjective data analysis. National Dragomanov University Press, Kiew, Ukraine
Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2008) Countering Counterfeit Trade - Illicit Market Insights, Best-Practice Strategies, and Management Toolbox. Springer, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 978-3-540-76947-7
Slyeptsov, A., Sodenkamp, M. (2007) Decision making in complex systems. National Dragomanov University Press, Kiew, Ukraine
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E. (2007) Strengthening the security of machine-readable documents. In: Cole, P., Ranasinghe, D. (Hrsg.): Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting. Springer, Berlin, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-540-71640-2, 253 - 268
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E. (2007) The potential of RFID and NFC in anti-counterfeiting. In: Cole, P., Ranasinghe, D. (Hrsg.): Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting. Springer, Berlin, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-540-71640-2, 211-222
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E. (2007) From identification to authentication: A review of RFID product authentication techniques. In: Cole, P., Ranasinghe, D. (Hrsg.): Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting. Springer, Berlin, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-540-71640-2, 169 - 188
Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E., Williams, J.R., Min, H., Cole, P., Lee, S.G., McFarlane, D., Murai, J. (2007) Anti-counterfeiting and supply chain security. In: Cole, P., Ranasinghe, D. (Hrsg.): Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting. Springer, Berlin, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-540-71640-2, 33-44
Nochta, Z., Staake, T. (2007) Product specific security based on RFID technology. In: Cole, P., Ranasinghe, D. (Hrsg.): Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting. Springer, Berlin, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-540-71640-2, 249 - 252
Pionteck, T., Stiefmeier, T., Staake, T., Glesner, M. (2007) On the design of a dynamically reconfigurable function-unit for error detection and correction. In: Vlsi-Soc: From Systems To Silicon. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Series, Springer US, ISBN 978-0-387-73660-0, 283-297
Lehtonen, M., Michahelles, F., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2006) Strengthening the security of machine readable documents by combining RFID and optical memory devices. In: Maña, A., Lotz, V. (Hrsg.): Developing Ambient Intelligence. Springer Paris, Frankreich, ISBN: 978-2-287-47469-9, 77-92
Project Reports
Sodenkamp, M., Hopf, K., Kozlovskiy, I., Staake, T. (2016). Smart-Meter-Datenanalyse für automatisierte Energieberatungen ("Smart Grid Data Analytics") - Schlussbericht. Bundesamt für Energie, Schweiz
Kupfer A., Staake T., Schöb S., Stiefmeier T., Athanasiou S. (2016): Deliverable 3.4.1 DAIAD@know Prototypes for Trials, DAIAD EU Project Report
Peters A., Sartorius C., Chatzigeirgakidis G., Athanasiou S., Kupfer A., Staake T. (2016): Deliverable 6.1 Consumer behavior and social aspects of water consumption, DAIAD EU Project Report
Schöb S., Kupfer A. (2016): Deliverable 2.3.1 RF-Connectivity to Data Aggregator, DAIAD EU Project Report
Athanasiou S., Karagiorgou S., Kupfer A., Stiefmeier T., Sartorius C., Dant L., Garcia Monteagudo A., Casals del Busto I. (2016): Deliverable 8.5.1 Interim Exploitation Report, DAIAD EU Project Report
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Klopcic, Z. (2008) D1.4: Analysis of the 'weakest points' trade; within licit supply chains and the properties of products most susceptible to tampering and counterfeiting. Deliverable D1.4 of SToP Project (Stop Tampering of Products), Project No. 034144
Staake, T., Lehtonen, M. (2007) D1.1: Description of main drivers of illicit trade, the roles of the different licit and illicit actors and the mechanisms of illicit trade. Deliverable D1.1 of SToP Project (Stop Tampering of Products), Project No. 034144
Other Publications
Sodenkamp, M. (2013) Models, methods and applications of group multiple-criteria decision analysis in complex and uncertain systems. Dissertation, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Staake, T., Graml, T., Baeriswyl, M., Loock, C. (2011) Mit verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Konzepten zum erfolgreichen Kundenportal. Bulletin des Verbands Schweizerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen (VSE)
Dada, A., Rau, A., Konkel, M., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2010) The potential of the EPC network to monitor and manage the carbon footprint of products; Part 2: Dynamic carbon footprint demonstrators. Auto-ID Labs, WP-BIZAPP
Ilic, A., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2009) Simulation Study on the Effect of Sensor Information in Supply Chains of Perishable Goods. Auto-ID Labs White Paper [PDF]
Dada, A., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2009) The potential of the EPC Network to monitor and manage the carbon footprint of products. Part 1: Carbon accounting.Auto-ID Labs White Paper WP-BIZAPP-047.
Ilic, A., Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2008) The Value of Sensor Information for the Management of Perishable Goods - A Simulation Study. Bits to Energy White Paper
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Klopcic, Z. (2008) D1.4: Analysis of the 'weakest points' trade; within licit supply chains and the properties of products most susceptible to tampering and counterfeiting. Deliverable D1.4 of SToP Project (Stop Tampering of Products), Project No. 034144
Staake, T., Graml, T., Weiß, M. (2008) Discover RFID, Bits to Energy Lab ETH Zurich, 28.5.2008
Staake, T., Lehtonen, M. (2007) D1.1: Description of main drivers of illicit trade, the roles of the different licit and illicit actors and the mechanisms of illicit trade. Deliverable D1.1 of SToP Project (Stop Tampering of Products), Project No. 034144
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E. (2007) Improving customs processes with RFID and NFC to fight illicit trade. Improving Customs Processes with RFID and NFC to Fight Illicit Trade.Auto-ID Labs Whitepaper
Staake, T., Fleisch, E. (2006) Funkchips entlarven Fälscher. RFID im Blick: Das Medium für Kontaktlosen Datentransfer (11), 36-37
Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E. (2006) Anti-Counterfeiting and Secure Supply Chain.Auto-ID Labs White Paper
Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Thiesse, F., Fleisch, E. (2006) Anti-counterfeiting special interest group. Auto-ID Lab Arbeitsbericht
Sodenkamp, M., Wenig J., Thiesse, F., Staake, T. (2018) Who Can Drive Electric? Segmentation of Car Drivers Based on Longitudinal GPS Travel Data. Unpublished Working Paper.