CogSys Team

External Doctoral Researchers and Post-Docs

Dr. Tarek Besold (Habilitand), Sony AI Labs Barcelona

Andreas Foltyn, M.Sc. (Fraunhofer IIS, ADA Center)

Andreas Gilson, M.Sc. (Fraunhofer IIS EZRT)

Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Daniel Hallmann (external with HTW Dresden)

Julius Mehringer, M.Sc. (Fraunhofer IIS, ADA Center)

Oliver Mey, M.Sc. (Fraunhofer IIS, EAS Dresden)

Franz Motzkus, M.Sc. (Continental, AI Campus Berlin)

Jaspar Pahl, M.Sc. (Fraunhofer IIS, PainFaceReader)

Ines Rieger, M.Sc. (Fraunhofer IIS, TraMeExCo)

Benedikt Schlereth-Groh, M.Sc. (external with TH Nürnberg)

Alexander Schneider, M.Sc. (external with TH Nürnberg)

Oliver Scholz, Dipl.-Inf. (Fraunhofer IIS, EZRT)

Simon Schramm, M.Sc. (BMW Group)

Sarem Seitz, M.Sc. (external)

Julio Wißing, M.Sc. (Fraunhofer IIS)

Student Assistants

Sonja Ruschhaupt (lab maintainance, since SoSe 2022, student teaching ass. KI SoSe 2023)

Jochen Mehlich (server maintainance, since SoSe 2024)

Philippe Crackau (student teaching assistant KI/ML, since WS 2023)

Kathrin Eichhorn (student teaching assistant KI/ML, since SoSe 2023)

Eva Jahnson (student research assistant, VoLL-KI, since SoSe 2023)

Luisa Schneider (student research assistant PainFaceReader, since SoSe 2023)

Max Summerer (student research assistant, DiKuLe, since SoSe 2023)

Luca Steltmann (student research assistant, DiKuLe, since SoSe 2024)

Janne Wagner (student research assistant, KIProQua since SoSe 2024)

Magdalena Klug (student research assistant, BaKIM, since SoSe 2024)

Christopher Werner (student research assistant, BaKIM, since SoSe 2023)

Richard Nieding: (student research assistant, BaKIM, since SoSe 2022)

Team at the WIAI Office of the Women's Representative

Team of Computer Science Education (FELI)

Leo Kestel (Forschungspraktikum Psy, Novemer 2021 - März 2022)

Johannes Langer (Forschungspraktikum Psy, März-Juli 2021)

Vashishth, Devesh (SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, Internship at EKI, Feb-Mai 2021)

Frieda Eichelsdörfer (Schülerpraktikantin, 8.-12.7. 2019)

Clemens Bartnik (Forschungspraktikum Psy, April-Mai 2019)

Sebastian Gary (Forschungspraktikum Psy, März 2019)

Julia Liss (Forschungspraktikum Psy, Sept. 2018)

Johannes Burr (Forschungspraktikum Psy, Sept. 2018)

Elisabeth Kral (Schülerpraktikantin, 23.-27.7. 2018)

Alisa Münsterberg (Forschungspraktikum Psy, April-Sept. 2018)

Lena-Marie Maurach (Forschungspraktikum Psy, März-Juli 2017)

Michael Möller (Forschungspraktikum Psy, 2016)

Celine Maier (Schülerpraktikantin, MuT 2014, MuT 2015, MuT 2016, MuT 2017, BiT 2017)

Jan Mackeben (Forschungspraktikum Soz, Women in CS, 2016)

Katharina Weitz (Forschungspraktikum Psy, Feb.-Juli 2015)

Robert Pfeiffer (Forschungspraktikum, 2015)

Rebecca Zimmer (Schülerpraktikantin, 23.-27.7. 2012)

Jirka Lewandowski (Vorpraktikum, Juni-Sep. 2009)

David Cerna (April 2024, BTHA)

Alvise Memo  (2016, 2017)

Oleg Monakhov (Fall 2009, DAAD)

Dr. Stephan Scheele, Frauenhofer CAI, Senior Researcher, Projektleiter BayVFP KIGA (2020-2024)

Johannes Rabold, M.Sc. (research and teaching assistant, winner of Best teacher price 2022, 2017-2023, graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2024)

Deniz Neufeld, M.Sc. (Bosch, Engineering Components, graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2003)

Sebastian Kiefer (nee Bruckert), M.Sc. (Datev, AI Group, graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2023)

Durgesh Nandini, M.Sc. (research ass., DFG Dare2Del, 2019-2023)

Joscha Eirich, M.Sc. (external with BMW, joint project KIProQua, graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2023)

Gesina Schwalbe, M.Sc. (external with Continental, Dept. AI and Robotics, gratuated as Dr.rer.nat. 2022)

Adrian Schneider, M.A. (research ass., KI Campus DaLiK / OFS FELI-Lab, 2021-2022)

Sarem Seitz, M.Sc. (research ass., BMBF AI Lab DISL, 2020-2022)

Florian Schimanke, M.Sc. (external with HSW Hameln, graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2022)

Tobias Jakubowitz, M.Sc. (research ass., KI Campus DaLiK, 2021-2022)

Dr. Dennis Müller  (Post Doc, Fraunhofer IIS Research Group CAI, 2021)

Mark Gromowski, B.A., M.Sc. (research ass., DFG PainFaceReader, 2018-2021)

Dipl. Psych. Alexander Werner, B.Sc. (research ass., KI Campus DaLiK & OFS DigiLab, 2018-2021)

Dominik Seuss, M.Sc. (Fraunhofer, IIS, PainFaceReader, 2015-May 2021, graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2021)

Silvia Förtsch, M.A.  (research ass., Women in CS; Okt. 2012- Nov. 2020)

Teena Hassan, M.Sc. (Fraunhofer IIS, PainFaceReader, 2015- May 2020, graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2020)

Anke Steinhäuser, M.A. (research ass., vhb, 2019)

Dipl.-Psych. Michael Siebers, B.Sc. (Oct. 2010 – Sept. 2016, teaching ass; Oct. 2016 – Sept. 2019, research ass., DFG Dare2Del)

Dr. rer. pol. Anja Gärtig-Daugs (research ass., Elementary Computer Science, Women in CS, Okt. 2012-Sept. 2017, since 2017 free research associate FELI and ZLB EleLLab)

Katharina Weitz, M.Sc. (research ass., Elementary Computer Science, Aug. 2015-Sept. 2017)

Martin Hillebrand, M.Sc. (WS 2017/2018, teaching ass.)

Christina Zeller, B.A., M.Sc.  (April 16 - Sept. 17, teaching ass.)

Dipl.-Psych. Alexander Werner, B.Sc. (WS 2014/2015, teaching ass.)

Michael Munz, M. Sc. (April 2012 -- Okt. 2014, research ass., BMBF project)

Mark Wernsdorfer, M.A. (2012-2014, Promotionsstipendiat, graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2019)

Christian Reißner, M.Sc. (June 2013 - Sept. 2014, teaching ass.)

Dipl. Wirtsch-Inf. Martin Sticht (Okt 2011-March 2012, research associate, BMBF project)

Dipl. Inf. Emanuel Kitzelmann (2004-2010, teaching ass., graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2010)

Dipl.-Wirtsch.Inf (E.M.B.Sc.) Martin Hofmann (2007-2010, research ass., DFG project, graduated as Dr.rer.nat. 2010)

Tobias Archut (student teaching assistant ML, WS 2023/2024)

Felix Haase (server maintainance, WS 2023/2024)

Frauke Möglich (student research assistenat FELI, 02/2023-03/2024)

Jasmin Schwarz (student research assistant MINTmobil, 01/2023-02/2024)

Antonia Fuchs (student research assistant FELI, 3/2023-01/2024)

Teresa Zeck (student research assistant MINTmobil,  11/2023-01/2024)

Johannes Langer (student research assistant since SoSe 2021, student teaching ass. KogInf, WS 2022)

Sophia Mittelbach (student research assistant FELI, 02-11/2023)

Clara Schmitt (student research assistant MINTmobil, 04-09/2023)

Regina Fauerbach (student research assistant MINTmobil,  01/2023-09/2023)

Lea Ranger (student research assistant MINTmobil, 02-09/2023)

Paul Müller (student research assistant, KIProQua, SoSe  2022 - SoSe 2023)

Julian Fehr (student teaching assistant ML WS 2022/2023, student research assistant, KIProQua SoSe 2023)

Leonhard Kestel (student teaching assistant KI, SoSe 2023)

Mirzashomol Karshiev (student research assistant KIProQua, SS 2022 - WS 2022/2023)

Angelina Olivia Wilczewski (student research assistant Dare2Del, SS 2022- WS 2022/2023)

Mareike Müller (student research assistant PainFaceReader, WS 2022/23)

Lena Bartel (student teaching assistant ML, WS 2022/2023; and KIProQua)

Christian Albrecht (student teaching assistant ML, WS 2022/2023)

Alisa Münsterberg (student teaching assistant KogMod WS 2018/2019 -- 2021/2022, student research assistant, SS 2020 -- SS 2022)

Bianca Katharina Zimmer (student teaching assistant KI, SS 2021/2022, ML WS 2021/22)

Tom Korte (student teaching assistant KI, SS 2022)

Matthias Müller (student teaching assistant KI, SS 2022)

David Tafler (student research assistant, TraMeExCo/PainFacereader, SS 2021 -- SS 2022, student teaching assistant KI, SoSe 2023)

Michael März (student teaching assistant Fraunhofer CAI, 2021-2022)

Nils Thiergarten (student teaching assistant Fraunhofer CAI, 2021-2022)

Josef Brücklmayr (student teaching assistant ML, WS 2021/22)

Louisa Heidrich (student teaching assistant ML, WS 2021/22)

Hendrik Schween (student RA FELI & DaLiK, SS 2021-WS 2021/22)

Luca Stenz (student RA DaLiK, WS 2021/22)

Linda Müller (student RA FELI, support of Woman Representative, DaLiK, SS 2019 - SS 2021)

Anna Thaler (student teaching assistant KogInf, WS 2020/2021; student research assistant, SoSe 2021)

Aliya Mohammed (student research assistant, TraMeExCo, SS 2020 -- WS 2020/2021)

Deepika Arneja  (student research assistant, TraMeExCo, SS 2020 -- SS 2021)

Sebastian Seufert (student research assistant, Dare2Del, SS 2017-SS 2021)

Hannah Feldmann (student support of Woman Representative and make-IT, WS 2018/19 -- SS 2021)

Felix Schenke (student support of Woman Representative, SS 2021)

Maximilian Muschalik (student teaching assistant ML, WS 2020/2021, student teaching assistant KI, SS 2021)

Matthias Müller  (student teaching assistant KI, SS 2021)

Jasmin Mou Li Härle (student support of Woman Representative and make-IT, WS 2020/2021)

Bernhard Luedtke (student teaching assistant ML, WS 2020/2021)

Simon Kuhn (student research assistant, TraMeExCo, WS 2019/2020 - WS 20/21)

Christine Distler (Fraunhofer EKI,  SS 2020, WS 2020/2021)

Andreas Gilson (student teaching assistant ML, KI, WS 2019/2020 -- SS 2020)

Patricia Bleier (student teaching assistant KI, SS 2020)

René Kollmann (student research assistant, TraMeExCo, WS 2018/2019 -- SS 2020)

Nick Georg Hühnerbein (student support of Woman Representative, SS 2020)

Patrick Hilme  (student research assistant, SS 2020)

Carina Gosling (student resesarch ass. CoachNet, 2019-2020)

Alisa Münsterberg (student teaching assistant KogMod, WS 2018/2019, WS 2019/2020)

Jonas Troles (student support of Woman Representative, SS 2017 -- SS 2020; student research assistant, WS 2017/2018 - WS 2019/2020)

Rhea Hang Nguyen (student support of Woman Representative, WS 2019/2020)

Daniel Hahn (student teaching assistant ML, WS 2019/2020)

Kristina Prümer (student support of Woman Representative and FELI, SS 2018 - WS 2019/2020)

Felix Haag (student research assistant, Dare2Del, SS 2019)

Clemens Bartnik (student research assistant, Dare2Del, SS 2019)

Carina Walker (student research assistant, PainFaceReader, WS 2018/2019, SS19)

Ferdinand Lang (lab maintainance,  WS 2017/2018 - SS 2019, before: student RA since 2016)

Heinrich Graser (student teaching assistant, SS 2019)

Louisa Pabst (student support of Woman Representative, WS 2017/2018 to WS 2018/2019)

Julia Liss (student research assistant, Dare2Del, WS 2018/2019)

Angelina Olivia Wilczewski (student support of Woman Representative, WS 2016/2017 - WS 2018/2019, student TA SS 2019)

Hannah Brodel (student resesarch ass. CoachNet, since 2017 to 2019)

Hannah Deininger (student support of Woman Representative and make-IT, SS 2016 to SS 2018)

Sonja Grünauer (student support of Woman Representative and make-IT, SS 2016 - SS 2018)

Harshit Kumar Gupta (student research assistant, Dare2Del, SS 2017 - SS 2018)

Kevin Volkert (student research assistant, Dare2Del, SS 2017-WS 2017/2018)

Michael  Gross (lab maintainance, SS 2015 - WS 2017/2018)

Adrian Arens (student support of Woman Representative, SS 2017)

Anke Steinhäuser (student research assistant, Elementary Computer Science, SS 2016 - SS 2017)

Leonie von Anderten (student support of workshops for elementary and high-school students, SS 2016)

Tatjana Brauer (student research assistant, Women in CS,  SS 2016- SS 2017)

Ute Weber (student support of Woman Representative, SS 2016 - SS 2017)

Adrian Schwaiger (student research assistant, WS 2016/2017)

Andreas Görtler (student teaching assistant, WS 2016/2017)

Anika Brüning (Student Support of Woman Representative, SS 2016, WS 2016/2017)

Maike Wolking (Student research assistant, elementary CS, WS 2014/15 -- SS 2016)

Sophie Vollmar (Student support of Woman Representative, WS 2014/15 -- SS 2016)

Astrid Kothe (Student Support of Woman Representative, SS 2016)

Susanne Gall (Student support of Woman Representative, WS 2011/12 -- WS 2015/16)

Ines Rieger (Student Support of Woman Representative, WS 2015/16)

Melanie Vogel (Student Support of Woman Representative, WS 2015/16)

Elke Heidel (Student support of Woman Representative, WS 2010/11 - SS 2015)

Bettina Finzel (Student support of Woman Representative, WS 2012/13 - SS 2015)

Michael Sünkel (Lab Maintainance, WS 2014/2015)

Verena Pfeiffer (Student Support of Woman Representative, 2013-2014)

Dorothea Knopp (Tutorin Cognitive Modelling, WS 2013/2014)

Peter Hohmann (Lab Maintainance, SS 2013 - SS 2014)

Klaus Schneider (Lab Maintainance, WS 2010/2011 - WS 2012/2013)

Dominik Seuß (Student RA and TA, WS 2011/2012 - WS 2012/2013)

Tobias Kaiser (Student RA, WS 2012/2013)

Sanne Grabisch (Support of Woman Representative, 2005-2011)

Jaqueline Hofmann (Student RA, WS 2010/2011)

Martin Sticht (TA Machine Learning/Intelligent Agents, WS 2010/2011, SS 2011) 

Michael Albert (Eyetracker Project, 2010) 

Thorsten Spieker (Project Efficient Alg. of IP, 2010)

Michael Siebers (Project Pain Assesment, 2009/2010)

Olga Yanenko (Project Efficient Alg. of IP, 2009)

Thomas Wunder (Lab Maintenance, 2009)

Thomas Hieber (Student TA, 2009)

Marius Raab (Student TA and RA, WS 08/09)

Bernd Pachur (Lab Maintenance, WS 05/06 - SS 08)

Nora Fteimi (Project Efficient Alg. of IP, WS 08/09)

Florian Bader (Project Efficient Alg. of IP, SS 2008)

Andreas Hirschberger (Student RA SS 07 - SS 08)

Martin Beckmann (external, 2004-2007)

Martin Hofmann (Student RA, SS 06 - SS 07)

Stephan Weller, (Student RA and TA, SS 06 - WS 06/07)

Thomas Hecker (Student TA, WS 05/06)

Stefan Ender (Student RA, Technical Support, WS 05/06)

Barbara Koschatzky (Mädchen und Technik Projekt, SS 05)

Maximilian Röglinger (Student TA, SS 05)

Florian Brosch (Lab Maintainance, WS 04/05 - SS 05)

Stefan Schilling ( Lab Maintainance WS 04/05 - SS 05)