Charlotte Neuss, M.Sc.

Kärntenstraße 7, KÄ7/01.14

Tel:  +49 951 863 2696
eMail: hn.bwl-finanz(at)

Sprechstunde: Dienstag, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
(und nach Vereinbarung)

Während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nur nach vorheriger Vereinbarung!


  • Risk Management
  • Mittelstandsforschung
  • Behavioral Finance


Oehler, A., Neuss, C., 2024, ESG Disclosure vs. ESG Ratings: Consistent Information Value?; Behavioural Finance Working Group 17th Annual Conference, London 6-7 June; 3rd Conference on INternational Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth, ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, Reading, June 9-11; European Financial Management Association 2024 Annual Meeting, June 26-29, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon; 27th Financial Reporting and Business Communication Conference, July 4-5, University of Bristol; 1st European Sustainability Accounting & Reporting Conference, September 5-6, Aalborg University Business School, Aalborg.

Oehler, A., Neuss, C., 2023, Does the Stock Market Care about Firms’ Risk Management and Risk Management Disclosure?; Behavioural Finance Working Group 2023 Conference, June 12-13, London; School of Finance and Accounting at Westminster Business School, University of Westminster, Finance and Accounting 2023 Annual Research Symposium, June 15-16; Future Finance and Economics Association 2nd Conference on INternational Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth, June 18-20, Ljubljana; 26th Financial Reporting and Business Communication Conference 2023, July 6-7, Bath; IRMC International Risk Management Conference 2023, July 6-7; Operations Research 2023, August 29 - September 1, Hamburg.