Part-time studies
At the University of Bamberg, almost all degree programmes can be studied part-time.
Application for part-time studies
The application for part-time studies(322.4 KB) can be submitted by to the Registrar's Office from the beginning of the re-registration period until the closing date for enrolment of the respective semester.
For the winter semester 2024/2025, the deadline is 17 June 2024 until 30 September 2024.
The standard programme duration for a part-time degree programme is twice as long as for a full-time degree programme.
You can earn a maximum of 18 ECTS per semester in a part-time degree.
After two part-time semesters, the number of ECTS points earned is checked on the reporting date of 31 October and 30 April.
For further information on part-time studies as well as a list of degree programmes and subjects that can be studied part-time, please see: Regulations for part-time study in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes at the University of Bamberg.