Research at the Department of General Linguistics in Bamberg

Research at the department is empirical, and cross-linguistically oriented. We deal primarily with language data from lesser-described languages, which are not, or only distantly, related to the major languages of Western Europe. The main focus lies on languages of the Middle East (Turkic, Iranian, Semitic) and languages of the Caucasus (in particular Nakh-Daghestanian).
Our work includes publications and research projects on the following topics:
- Typological approaches to syntactic phenomena such as reflexives, experiencer constructions, and grammatical relations
- Historical syntax
- Documentation of endangered languages
- Language contact and areal typology
- The structure of discourse, corpus-based approaches to typology
- Syntactic annotation procedures
An overview of ongoing and completed research projects can be found at Link.
For conferences, workshops and summer schools held at the department see Link.