"Beloved be the one who sits down"
Something is happening in the City. Traffic has not moved in days and the people have taken to the streets. A desperate man burns down his livelihood in the hope of claiming insurance, while his youngest son has lost his mind. Preparations are being made for the biggest party in 2000 years, but the birthday boy is nowhere to be seen.
"Beloved be the one who sits down"
A darkness has fallen on the City. The people punish themselves on the streets. The experts have read all of the books and the solution remains unclear. A fortune can be made, if you know what to sell. Children are the only salvation and the airports are full.
"Beloved be the one who sits down"
It's a strange time in the City. The lonely walk the streets. A man passes by the house where he used to live, and finds nothing. Important decisions are to be made and a Russian boy searches in vain for his sister.
People are on the move, but they cannot seem to leave anything behind.