In the summer semester 2016, the Bamberg University Drama Group under the artistic direction of Alexander Debney and Jacques Schiltz put on a comedy by William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors.
A gentleman from Syracuse and his servant travel to Ephesus, a city rumoured to be home to all kinds of sorcery. Unbeknown to them, it is also residence to their long lost identical twin brothers. To make things even more complicated, each set of twins shares the same name, and even their friends, colleagues and families are incapable of telling them apart. Mistaken identities, mix-ups, and all sorts of confusing situations are the essence of this very early Shakespearean comedy which has delighted and entertained audiences for centuries.
On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death, it seems only natural for any drama group to commemorate him, and somehow celebrate his work. The Bamberg University English Drama Group has decided to do this by putting on his play “The Comedy of Errors”, a fast-paced farce which can be considered as a precursor to the modern-day sitcom.
The audience was thrilled with their performance and the review of the play, published in the student newspaper Ottfried, can be found here.
If you missed this performace, make sure you see the next one and enjoy a few impressions: