ELT Survey
In this international research project, we investigate teaching and learning practices in English lessons across several countries. The goal is to explore how adolescents have experienced their English lessons, how they evaluate these, and what their visions are for the future. A questionnaire covering various topic areas aims to examine learners’ experiences with and attitudes towards English lessons. To date, we can observe a need for empirical overviews of English language teaching practices in Germany. Moreover, in cooperation with other countries across Europe, we will equally examine English language teaching abroad. The objective of the project is to obtain a comprehensive overview of English language teaching and learning practices on an international level, which allows for relevant insights and comparisons. In addition, learners’ attitudes will serve as a well-founded basis for future implications and a further improvement of English language education at school and teacher education at university.
Together with the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) and the University of Agder (Norway), we are investigating adolescents’ experiences with and attitudes towards their English lessons focusing on the use of texts and media, the integration of different (controversial) topics, and their perception of English activities used. In addition, participants are given an opportunity to describe their visions for the future of ELT. The questionnaire developed for all three countries aims to obtain a comprehensive overview of English language teaching and learning practices on an international level, allowing relevant insights and comparisons. In addition, learners’ attitudes will serve as a well-founded basis for future implications and a further improvement of English language (teacher) education.

During the BaTEG Summer School 2022, and after a series of online meetings held from December 2021, all three countries met, shared country-specific information, and completed the questionnaire. It will be launched in October 2022.
Our project partners are: Marta Janachowska-Budych, Jakub Przybył, Dorota Owczarek from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland); Mariette Aanensen, Arild Høie Henriksen from the University of Agder (Norway). The student assistants supporting this project are Julia Schwerin and Laura Stolle.
This project is funded by the Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Förderlinie Internationalisierung 2.0)