
WS 2014/15University of Bamberg:          
Introduction to linguistics, Introduction to sociolinguistics
SS 2013University of Bamberg:          
Introduction to linguistics, Methods of sociolinguistics (with Ole Schützler)
WS 2012/13University of Bamberg:          
Introduction to linguistics, Introduction to sociolinguistics, Introduction to phonology & morphology
SS 2012University of Bamberg:          
Introduction to linguistics, Dialektologie des Deutschen (with Patrizia Noel)
WS 2011/12University of Bamberg:
Introduction to morphology, Introduction to sociolinguistics, Strukturkurs Armenisch (with Armine Poghosyan)
SS 2011University of Bamberg:                                                           Introduction to morphology, Introduction to sociolinguistics
WS 2010/11            University of Leipzig:
Aspect (with Olav Mueller-Reichau)
July 2010Leiden University:
Introduction to the Nakh-Daghestanian Languages (3L Summer School)
WS 2009/10University of Leipzig:
Languages in the former USSR (with Olav Mueller-Reichau)
WS 2008/09University of Leipzig:
Caucasian Languages (with Bernard Comrie and Zaira Khalilova)