General Questions

First steps: housing, finances and insurance

Having a permanent German address is the first and most important step for your enrolment. Make sure to search for permanent accommodation as soon as you have received your admission letter.

Housing has become much more expensive in and around Bamberg!  Average flatshare prices now start at 350€ but are often much higher. In addition, the student dormitories are at their limits with minimum waiting times of one if not two semesters. 

The International Office has put together a website dedicated to advising international MA students on their first steps at the university of Bamberg. You can find the specific information on their website.


Visa applications might take very long and can delay a student's successful start of the programme. Start the process as early as possible and check with the German Embassy in your country how long it takes.
In certain cases, the process will take longer than one semester, so you need to plan your stay in Bamberg in advance. If you encounter any visa issues, you need to inform the coordinators immediately. Please note that the coordinators cannot interfere with embassy procedures. Moreover, students waiting for visa often encounter problems with housing, etc.