User Account for Employees

The staff user account (for employees in research/teaching/administration) comprises a user name (also known as the BA number, e.g. ba7da19) and a password. Employees included in this group are:

  • professors,
  • academic and non-academic staff
  • associate professors
  • honorary professors
  • part-time lecturers
  • senior lecturers
  • retired professors
  • professors emeritus
  • employees of affiliated institutes such as ifb, efms, the Natural History Museum, LIfBi, the State Library; these have only limited authorisation to access IT services

The combination of BA number and corresponding password is your key to accessing various IT services.

User Lifecycle for Employees

The management of university members’ accounts, from the start of employment to the cancellation of the account, has been automated by means of the User Lifecycle. User accounts in for research, teaching and administrative staff are linked to the duration of employment. If you are also connected to the university as a doctoral candidate, please find the information on doctoral user accounts here.

The following tables provide the chronology of the individual steps regarding your user account, from its creation to its deletion.

Start of employment

User Lifecycle stepTimeline
Creation of your user accountAfter your application has been approved
Use of your accountAfter receiving the BA number and password

Steps in the User Lifecycle concerning end of employment

The timeline in the following table refers to the user lifecycle relative to the end of various employment types.


User Lifecycle step

Non-academic staff/ employee of an affiliated instituteAcademic staffPart-time lecturer
Email: advance notification8 weeks in advance
8 weeks in advance8 weeks in advance
Email: notification4 weeks in advance2 weeks later26 weeks later
Email: Reminder
2 weeks in advance4 weeks later28 weeks later
Disabling of the account
On the last day of employment at 23:59 pm6 weeks later30 weeks later
Deletion of the account2 weeks later8 weeks later32 weeks later

Telephone: +49 951 863-1333
Email: it-support(at)

Applying for a Personal User Account

  • Please use the application below (IAM-Portal) and follow the instructions provided.
  • You will receive all necessary information and data concerning your new user account as soon as the account is authorised by the management of the appropriate organisational unit.
  • You can activate your user account on your first day of employment by setting up your password. (If you are a part-time lecturer, your account is active as soon as it is authorised.)

    Extending your User Account or Setting up a Redirection Request

    As your employment contract or teaching position comes to an end, so does your authorisation to access IT services. Some things to keep in mind in relation to this can be found here (in German): zum Ende von Studium, Promotion, Beschäftigung.

    Extending your User Account

    You can request that your institution or department’s management extend your user account for a maximum of 6 months. This request must be sent via the IAM portal. Following an advance notification email, and after the period indicated in the table above, you will receive a further message containing all information necessary for the extension of your account. Only then will the application via the IAM portal be possible.

    Please note: After the user account has been extended via the IAM portal, it will have the status of an external user account (see the IT services table). However, you will still have access to the services marked (+).

    Non-academic staff (auxiliary employees) and members of affiliated institutes may only extend their user account, but not email services: your email inbox will be deleted.

    Email Redirection Setup (only for academic and part-time lecturers)

    As an alternative to extending the user account, academic staff and part-time lecturers have the opportunity to set up email redirection for a five-year period. This ensures that each email sent to your university email address is forwarded to an external address of your choosing.

    Please be aware that your email inbox and storage and all data saved to the fileserver will be deleted immediately following approval of your redirection request. Make sure to copy and save any important personal data prior to this deletion!

    To request email redirection, follow the instructions included in the application for extension of the user account.

    Please Note: Following setup, a valid combination of a University of Bamberg email address and the verification code (issued as part of the setup) is required to use the IAM-portal to

    • change your verification code,
    • add or change an external email address for forwarding, or
    • delete the redirection request.

    A lost verification code can only be replaced if you appear in person at the IT Support office with valid identification!

    Do you have further questions?