Teaching, Learning, Informing Online
Virtual Campus (VC)

Using vc.uni-bamberg.de, you can make information available to a specific audience. You can also collaborate online with students in courses or with your colleagues in projects and committees.
[I’d like to know more! - Continue reading ... in German]
Panopto (Video)

Videos for teaching, information and PR purposes can be uploaded to the Panopto platform at uni-bamberg.cloud.panopto.eu by all staff and then published in the VC, on the web or via link. Access rights can also be controlled via the platform. There is also software of the same name that can be used to create videos.
[I’d like to know more! - Continue reading ... in German]
Web presence with Typo3

For information and PR purposes, each institution can create a website at www.uni-bamberg.de. The content is maintained by each institution using Typo3. The information on www.uni-bamberg.de is available to a worldwide audience.
[I’d like to know more! - Continue reading ... in German]
Further Tools for Teaching, Research and Collaboration

- Overview of online teaching tools
- Turnitin for plagiarism detection
- DissViewer (electronic display of dissertations)
- Rocket.Chat
- Remote exams
Please note that all of the linked pages above are in German.