
The TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign language / Fachdidaktik Englisch) team at the University of Bamberg focuses on several areas of research: adolescents’ experiences in and attitudes towards ELT at an international level, taboos/controversial issues and critical foreign language pedagogy, mental health, pop culture, poetry and song lyrics, and the use of e-portfolios in teacher education. Descriptions of current projects can be found below.

Are you interested in TEFL research?

Pursuing a doctoral degree provides you with an excellent opportunity to thoroughly engage with TEFL research and further your professional competencies. If you are interested in completing a PhD project in Englische Fachdidaktik / TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) at the University of Bamberg, please consider the university regulations / Promotionsordnung(439.9 KB); you may also contact Theresa Summer and take part in the TEFL research seminar. This seminar provides novice researchers with an opportunity to discuss current projects, exchange ideas, and learn about new research methods. In addition, the University of Bamberg is currently in the process of developing the “Graduate School of Teacher Education” (BaGraTEd). This doctoral programme is designed for PhD candidates focusing on research related to teacher education, teaching/didactics, and school teaching.