Diversity Day: 23 May 2023

The University of Bamberg once again participates in the nationwide Diversity Day, an initiative of the Diversity Charter and part of the European Diversity Month. Lectures, workshops, and seminars for students, employees, and the general public will address the topic of participation in its different dimensions. The events are meant as an invitation to learn more about some of the most pressing questions related to accessibility, inclusion, disabilities, and diversity – and to initiate positive change.
15 May 2023
Event in German: How Does Inclusion Work? Simulations and Playful Approaches with Dr. Janina Dillig/ Disability Management Office and Sabina Haselbek/ Office for Students with Disabilities (1:30-4:00 p.m. in LU19/00.13)
22 May 2023
Workshop in German: Students’ Night of Gender-Sensitive Research – “And what are you writing about?” with (PhD) students from different disciplines and the GENIAL project team (8:00-11:00 p.m. in MG2/00.10)
23 May 2023
MAIN EVENT (6:00-7:30 p.m. in MG1/00.04 with live subtitling by script interpreters; audio induction loop available; barrier-free access)
Public Lecture in German: Autism – An Autobiographical Account of Everyday Life by Julian Leske with Prof. Dr. Jörg Wolstein/ Pathopsychology (introduction) and Prof. Dr. Christine Gerhardt/ Vice-President for Diversity and International Affairs (welcome address)
The 31-year-old administrative employee will discuss how he lives as an autistic person with Asperger's syndrome and has managed to cope with the diagnosis.
Seminar in German: Accessibility and Inclusion in Higher Education with Dr. Sarah Böhlau/ ZHD (10:00 a.m.-1:15 p.m. in LU19/01.20)
Workshop in German: Gifted Students as a Special Minority? Myths, Research Findings, and School-Based Practice with Verena Keimerl/ ProHet (4:00-5:30 p.m. in LU19/00.08)
24 May 2023
Event: Accessibility – Outdoors Course (11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in the Feki courtyard) and Lecture in German (6:00 p.m. in F21/03.01) organized by the university group Juso-HSG in cooperation with GoolKids e.V. Bamberg
Diversity Day 2022

Bamberg University again participated in the nationwide Diversity Day, an initiative of the Diversity Charter and part of the European Diversity Month. On 31 May 2022, various events for students, employees, and the general public took place, as a way to spur interest in diversity-related issues and encourage an open discussion.
A report on the university‘s Diversity Day 2022 is available here.
Panel Discussion in German: Diversity in Children’s Books with Constanze von Kitzing/ Illustrator and Dr. Lars Burghardt; moderated by Dr. Nicole K. Konopka (6:00-7:30 p.m./ Zoom with live subtitling by script interpreters)
Welcome Address - Prof. Dr. Christine Gerhardt (Vice-President for Diversity and International Affairs)
This conversation between a popular children’s book author/illustrator and a specialist on the politics of education highlights key questions of how to depict human diversity in picture books from practical as well as theoretical perspectives.
Workshop in German: "Diversity To Go" with Cindy Strömel-Scheder/ Anti-Discrimination Office (10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in WE5/03.004, barrier-free location)
In an open, appreciative environment, participants from the administrative staff reflect on their understanding of diversity and identify means for diversity- and discrimination-sensitive conduct in their own areas of work.
Further information [in German]: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/antidiskriminierung/veranstaltungen/vergangene-veranstaltungen/
Workshop in German: Gender-Sensitive Research as a Factor in Acquiring Third-Party Funding with Prof. Dr. Astrid Schütz/ Women's Representative, Dr. Janina Dillig/ Advancement of Women, and Dr. Julia Kinzler/ Research Funding and Transfer (10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in U11/00.16)
What does gender sensitivity in research entail? What significance does it hold for acquiring third-party funding? How can the variables of sex and gender be presented in one’s own research profile? Come and join this workshop!
Further information [in German]: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/en/womens-representatives/gender-diversity/genial-project/events/
Workshop in German: Culture, Language, and Identity amid National Stereotypes with Verena Keimerl/ ProHet (4:00-5:30 p.m. in MG 1/02.09)
Critically examining the cultural potency of national stereotypes constitutes a major objective of cross- and transcultural learning processes. Using German-French examples, the appropriate handling and dismantling of such stereotypes is being examined.
03 June 2022
Lecture in English: Fathers at Home Alone? Couples’ Parental Leave and Subsequent Labor Market Participation of Mothers with Dr. Ann-Christin Bächmann/ LIfBi, Dr. Corinna Frodermann, and Dr. Andreas Filser (10:00-11:00 a.m./ Zoom)
Lecture in English: Gender Differences in Negotiation Behavior and the Role of Information - Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment with Ipek Yükselen/ IAB (11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m./ Zoom)
Both lectures are part of the Lunchtime Seminar hosted by the Chair for Empirical Microeconomics in cooperation with the Chair for Economics of Education.
Diversity Day 2021