Lehrveranstaltungen des aktuellen Semesters


Advanced Macroeconomics
2,00 SWS
Naira Kotb
MAEES8.2: Computational Methods for Economic Research
4,00 SWS
Christian Proaño
V/Ü: B-MACFIN-3 Vorlesung A Makroökonomie und Internationale Finanzmärkte: Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
4,00 SWS
V/Ü: BAEES5.1: Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
4,00 SWS


MAEES8.2: Übung: Computational Methods for Economic Research
2,00 SWS
Rafael Kothe
Übung zu Advanced Macroeconomics
2,00 SWS
Jonas Dix
Übung: Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
2,00 SWS
Maybrit Wächter


2,00 SWS
Christian Proaño
S: B-MACFIN-2 Seminar B Makroökonomie und Internationale Finanzmärkte: Current Topics in Growth, Development and Sustainability
2,00 SWS
Naira Kotb , Christian Proaño
S: MAEES8.4 Macroeconomics and International Finance 4: Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics and International Finance
2,00 SWS
Christian Proaño
S: Projektseminar: Current Topics in Growth, Development and Sustainability
2,00 SWS
Naira Kotb , Christian Proaño