Language Proficiency Certificate for Studies Abroad

Many people wishing to study abroad for a period of time will need a language proficiency certificate when applying to foreign universities.
The Language Centre conducts language tests in English, French and Spanish to certify the level of proficiency.
For all other languages, please make an appointment with the respective lecturer. Please enter your details on the Language Proficiency Assessment form(104.3 KB, 1 page) and take it with you to the test.
The language proficiency test:
This test assesses all four skills: listening, writing, reading, and speaking. It consists of a written test including a listening comprehension exercise, followed by a 10-minute oral examination of two students at a time.
You can find more information on the English language proficiency test here.
Please note: the oral examination takes place on the same day as the written examination. You will receive the exact date by email two days before the written test.
Please note that the language proficiency tests are a free service offered by the Language Centre. The test result cannot be appealed. The language proficiency certificate is valid for one year and only serves as evidence of the level of proficiency for applications to study abroad.
All applicants are free to take other approved tests (TOEFL etc.). The International Office can provide a list of approved tests.
Exemption from the written portion of the test
From WS 2019/20
The written portion of the language proficiency test no longer has to be taken if students pass certain language courses provided by the Language Centre of the University of Bamberg at the required level with a mark of 2.0 or higher. Direct admission to the oral examination is granted, provided the language course examination was held no longer than one year ago.
We have compiled further information for you here(104.8 KB).
You will find the link to the electronic application form for the exemption from the written portion of the test and the respective application deadlines under NEWS on the homepage of the Language Centre from the beginning of September (winter semester) or from the end of May (summer semester).
The language tests take place in July and October/November.
It is possible to take only one language test per semester in any one language.
The current test dates, the deadline for registration and deregistration via FlexNow as well as the deadline for applying for exemption from the written part of the test can be found on our homepage under NEWS as well as in UnivIS under the respective language from the end of May (July date) and from the beginning of September (October/November dates).
If the requirements for exemption from the written part of the test are not met, it is necessary to register for the test via FlexNow!
The language proficiency certificate
You can view the calculation table for the overall level of the language proficiency certificate here(66.8 KB).
Language skills:
Please find out the language level required for your application abroad well in advance! Experience shows that it is a good idea to take one or more language courses in the language of your chosen country prior to the language proficiency test. Please refer to UnivIS for information on the courses we offer to students across all faculties (HaF).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the respective lecturers.