Coasts - Projects
Possibilities for reconstruction Lateglacial and Early Last Interglacial sea-level and environmental changes at the Golfo San José (Península Valdés/Argentine) by coring – a pilot study
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schellmann (Bamberg), Prof. Dr. Roland Mäusbacher (Institute of Geography, University of Jena), Prof. Dr. Helmut Brückner (Institute of Geography, University of Marburg)
- Aim: Reconstructions of Last Glacial palaeo-sea-level and palaeo-climate changes.
- Methods: Drilling (Mäusbacher, Jena), geomorphological mapping (Brückner, Marburg and Schellmann, Bamberg), ESR dating (Schellmann, Bamberg).
- Funding: DFG.
Geomorphology and Chronostratigraphy of Coastal Terraces along the Patagonian Atlantic coast
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schellmann (Bamberg), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Radtke (Institute of Geography, University of Cologne)
- Aim: Palaeo-sea-level reconstruction, improvement of absolute dating methods, studies on neotectonics
- Methods: Geomorphological mapping, sedimentological and pedological field investigations (Schellmann, Bamberg) and ESR dating (Schellmann, Bamberg and Radtke, Cologne).
- Funding: BMFT, DFG; Universities of Cologne, Essen and Bamberg
Morphostratigraphy and Geochronology of Quaternary Coral Reef Terraces of Barbados (W.I.)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schellmann (Bamberg), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Radtke (Institute of Geography, University of Cologne)
- Aim: Pleistocene sea-level reconstructions.
- Methods: Geomorphological mapping (Schellmann, Bamberg and Radtke, Cologne). Absolute dating: ESR (Electron spin resonance) dating (Schellmann, Bamberg and Radtke, Cologne) and TIMS U-series dating (McCulloch, Esat and Potter, Australian National University, Canberra)
- Funding: DFG (German Science Foundation)
Quaternary coral reef tracts of Curaçao –ESR dating of Holocene and Pleistocene coral
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schellmann (Bamberg), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Radtke (Institute of Geography, University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Dieter Kelletat (Institute of Geography, University of Essen)
- Aim: Palaeo-sea-level reconstruction (Schellmann, Bamberg and Radtke, Cologne) and C-14 dating of Holocene Tsunami events (Coordinator of Tsunami research: Kelletat, Essen); improvement of dating Holocene coral by ESR (Schellmann, Bamberg and Radtke, Cologne)
- Methods: Geomorphological mapping and absolute dating: ESR dating (Schellmann, Bamberg and Radtke, Cologne) and C-14 dating (Kromer, Heidelberg)
- Funding: DFG; Universities of Cologne, Essen and Bamberg
Küstenmorphologische Entwicklung an der Ostflanke des Woodfjords (Spitzbergen) während und seit der letzten Vereisung
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schellmann (Bamberg), Prof. Dr. Helmut Brückner (Institute of Geography, University of Marburg)
- Aim: Glacio-isostatic movements and deglaciation history, palaeo-sea level and palaeo-oceanographic changes
- Methods: Geomorphological mapping, sedimentological field investigation, C-14 datings (van der Borg, Utrecht and Kromer, Heidelberg),
- Fundings: DFG.
Morphostratigraphy and geochronology of coastal terraces and eolian deposits on Cyprus, Crete and Rhodos
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schellmann (Bamberg), Prof. Dr. Dieter Kelletat (Institute of Geography, University of Essen), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Radtke (Institute of Geography, University of Cologne)
- Aim: Palaeo-sea-level reconstruction; Studies on neotectonics
- Methods: Geomorphological mapping, sedimentological and palaeopedological field investigations (Schellmann, Bamberg and Kelletat, Essen). Absolute dating: ESR dating (Schellmann, Bamberg and Radtke, Cologne)
- Funding: University of Essen