UN General Assembly - Disarmament and International Security (First Committee)


1. Establishment of a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East

2. Advancing Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace in the Context of International Security

3. The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects


There are over one billion firearms in the world. That’s one firearm for every eight people on the planet. The only question is: How do we disarm one person while keeping the other seven unarmed?
In a world with spreading armed conflicts, (cyber-)terrorism and nations seeking nuclear weapons – what can be more important than dealing with disarmament and international security? Let's lay down our arms! We – Duc Le and Svenja Schrader – are therefore representing Uganda at the General Assembly First Committee.

UN General Assembly - Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee)


1. Financing for Development

2. Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Development

3. Disaster Risk Reduction


Welcome to the General Assembly Second Committee - Economic and Financial... where every country counts? We - Nicolas Klas and Anna Winter - are looking forward to being Ugandas voice regarding economic and financial questions on Sustainable Development, Disaster Risk Reduction and Information and Communication Technologies.

UN General Assembly - Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Issues (Third Committee)


1. Rights of Indigenous People

2. Empowering Conflict-Affected Children and Youth

3. Implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


Researching the topics we were shocked to learn how many children are affected by systematic violence. However, it is also inspiring to see how many people make a difference by empowering children and youth.

High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development


1. Building Partnerships to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

2. Ending Abuse, Exploitation, Trafficking and All Forms of Violence against and Torture of Children


Our passion? SDGs! Our mission? Building global partnerships! Our goal? Transforming the world by 2030!

Commission on Population and Development


1. Improving Accessibility and the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Urban Areas

2. Supporting a Growing Population of Older Persons in Rural Areas

3.Population, Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Development


Within the CPD, we will stand for equal rights and resource access for EVERYONE. Combatting malnutrition in times of a rising world population is just one exciting and current topic. Further, we will discuss the adequate provision for older persons and ways for a better inclusion of persons with disabilities. We look forward to representing Uganda in such urgent and significant topics.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference


1. Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy

2. Strengthening Measures towards General and Complete Nuclear Disarmament


We are fighting for a world where nuclear technology is only used for peaceful purposes. The treaty's objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving disarmament. Researching this topic, we quickly realized how utopian a world without nuclear weapons is. However, it has broadened our horizon to switch our perspective to a country that considers nuclear technologies to be beneficial for its development, contrary to the prevailing opinion of western civilizations on this issue.

Environment Assembly


1. Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

2. Ensuring Sustainable Consumption and Production

3. Mitigation of and Adaptation to Desertification and Drought


Are you willing to sacrifice your next long-distance flight for a greener future? We, Jonas Herbst and Carolin Wagner, represent Uganda in the Environment Assembly dealing with the consequences of climate change. We are working on solutions in order to create liveable conditions on the planet for future generations. Even though the reconstruction of a developing country like Uganda towards a more green and sustainable environment remains a challenge, the change of perspective on this topic was enriching for us.

High Commissioner for Refugees


1. Forced Displacement Due to Climate Change

2. Ensuring Access to Safe and Sustainable Energy

3. Improving Employment Opportunities for Refugees and Displaced Persons


Did you know? Uganda is the country hosting the third-largest refugee population in the world!? With increasing numbers of people facing climate change-related displacement now and in the future, we will work for immediate climate justice!