After graduation

On the basis of the competencies imparted, the course enables active participation in all phases of system analysis and software development. The focus is on relevant projects in areas of application in the fields of culture, humanities or human sciences as well as the phases of requirements analysis, system design, introduction and further development. Both the independent implementation of smaller projects and active participation in larger, work-sharing projects are possible.

This addresses a professional field for which there is already great demand on the labor market and which will become even more important with the increasing introduction of digital workflows in the field of culture and media.

The graduates' professional fields of activity are also based on the respective first degree.

  • First degree in linguistics and literature, history
    Activity in publishing, e.g. Management of e-book and audio book projects at fiction publishers or the planning of the IT implementation of scientific edition projects.
  • First degree in cultural geography
    Activity in the field of tourism, e.g. Participation in the creation of mobile city information systems or the preparation of content in geocontent management.
  • First degree in art history, archeology, folklore
    Activities for museums, e.g. digital inventory of collections or adaptation and introduction of museum information systems.
  • First degree in monument preservation, building research
    Activity in the field of monument preservation, e.g. Long-term archiving for a monument authority or the presentation of architectural monuments on web platforms.
  • First degree in psychology, pedagogy
    Activity in the field of e-learning, e.g. Participation in the creation of internet-based multimedia learning environments for schools, universities and for professional development.