Research Areas of the Department of English Literature

>>> Here you can find past Conferences

    Prof. Dr. Susanne Gruß:

    >>> See here for Susanne Gruß' publications

    Focus areas:

    Contemporary British Literature and Culture

    • gender and queer studies
    • feminist theory
    • neo-victorianism
    • (film) adaptation
    • fungi in literature and film

    Early Modern Literature and Culture

    • Shakespeare and his contemporaries
    • (early modern) law and literature
    • genre (esp. revenge tragedy and tragicomedy)
    • collaboration and/in theatre
    • early modern piracy
    • (Jacobean) gothic

    Questions of Canonisation & Genre

    Dr. Susan Brähler: 

    >>> See here for Susan Brähler's publications

    Focus areas:

    • Caribbean literature of migration (interdisciplinary approach), black British literature, post-ethnic literature
    • Collective memory and nostalgia
    • Transcultural identities
    • Theories of space
    • Globalization and cosmopolitism
    • Alterity in literary history
    • The 20th and 21st century novel 

    Dr. Kerstin-Anja Münderlein: 

    >>> See here for Kerstin-Anja Münderlein's publications

    Focus areas:

    • The 18th century novel. The Gothic novel, Gothic parodies
    • Elizabethan and Jacobean theatre, especially revenge tragedy
    • Genre and reception theory
    • English Literature of the Great War 
    • Golden Age Crime Fiction