
In order to support further structural and contentual developments, the evaluation team will generate a large database. This will form a basis from which individual and mutual projects will be subject to evaluation. Also, it will provide a vantage point for evidence-based management.
The measures developed in the WegE quality campaign for teacher education, designed to improve teacher training at the University of Bamberg, will be evaluated in accordance with aims mutually agreed upon and the parties concerned (e.g. university teachers, students, school teachers, schools). To achieve this, data based on tried-and-true methods will be utilised and, if necessary, improved upon or newly developed. Qualitative and quantitative modes of evaluation will be employed.
Formative and summative evaluation
In the context of formative evaluation, the processes, structural measures, interim results, and individual plans of the sub-projects will be documented in a joint effort. This shall serve as the basis for a regular reflection and optimisation of processes and thus guarantees quality management during the project’s lifespan.
In regard to summative evaluation, the measures taken by the respective sub-projects will be assessed. This serves to appraise their efficiency, to document whether goals were attained, and to identify successful factors. On this basis, decisions about the (modes of) continuation of the respective endeavours can be taken, as well as future actions concerning the retention or transfer of responsibilities.
The analysis of project-wide indicators is intended to shed a light on structural and contentual effects and results of the entire project.
Poster(856.6 KB, 1 page)
Projektposter(856.6 KB, 1 page)

Prof. Dr. Jennifer Paetsch
Juniorprofessur für Evaluation im Kontext der Lehrerbildung
Former Team Members

Judith Bosse, M.Sc.

Leonie Pfeuffer

Anna Scharl

Dr. Tobias Rausch, Dipl. Päd.

Donata Perakis, M.Sc.

Dipl.-Päd. Daniel Mann

As part of the ‘Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung’ (Quality Campaign for Teacher Education), a joint programme by the federal government and the federal states, WegE is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.