Bachelor thesis or Master thesis

You are looking for a Bachelor thesis or Master thesis at our chair? Thank you for your interest! Typically, we do not offer concrete topics for you to work on. Instead we identify and define your topic in a personal meeting so that it fits our research interests and your expertises.

If we have concrete topics, we announce them in the MOBI-Meta VC course under "Call for Students".

Please note that you should have completed most of your other courses (at least 75 ECTS) before starting a Master thesis.

More information on the thesis definition process and further guidelines can be found at our service page.

Important note: Due to parental leave of a MOBI team member, our supervision capacity for Master theses is limited in 2023. We cannot provided theses topics for all interested students, so please check out other chairs, too.

If you are interested should contact:
Online quality assessment of sensor data streams, ontologiesAboubakr Benabbas
Trajectory data mining and activity recognitionGolnaz Elmamooz (currently on parental leave)
Location models and simulationsSimon Steuer
Anonymization of mobility data / CrowdsensingLeonie Ackermann
Data (Stream) Management for sensor-based systems and IoT archictecturesMichael Freitag
Anything else related to the MOBI chair research topicsDaniela Nicklas


Thesis confirmation process

After we agreed on supervising your thesis, you should register at the Office of Examinations: