Completed PhD Supervision

The following PhD topics were supervised or co-supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Ultes:

Automatic generation of pragmatic paraphrases for dialogue systems

Louisa Pragst, Ulm University
status: completed in November 2022

  • Adapting the verbalisation of abstract meaning representations of system actions through pragmatic paraphrasing
  • Evaluation and development of dialogue vector models for pragmatic paraphrasing

Argumentative Dialogue Systems

Niklas Rach, Ulm University
status: completed in January 2022

  • Deep argumentation structures for non-cooperative dialogue
  • Automatic creation of argument structures, i.e., arguments andtheir relation to other arguments and a main claim

The role of communication styles within spoken human-machine interaction

Juliana Miehle, Ulm University
status: completed in December 2021

  • Analysing the role of communication styles within a human-machine spoken interaction through user studies
  • Estimating user communication styles and selecting system communication styles for spoken dialogue systems