Adjunct lecturer

Dr. Michael Kolloch
Meetings only after consultation.
Room: Kä7/00.18
Email: michael.kolloch(at)
- Research Seminar on International Innovation Strategies (SU, Master)
Research interest
- Innovation management in the energy sector
- Fliaster, A., Bähr, K., Kolloch, M. (2018). Digital Organizing in the Energy Sector: New Value Propositions, New Network Ties. Vortrag an der Academy of Management Specialized Conference “Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy”. April 18.-20., University of Surrey, UK.
- Kolloch, M., Reck, F. (2018). Customer-Driven Innovation in the Context of Digitalization – Potential Benefits, Application and Implementation in the Energy Industry, SmartER Europe Conference 2018, 8. February, Essen.
- Reck, F., Fliaster, A., Kolloch, M. (2017). Understanding the Effect of Network Management Capability on Innovation: A Multi-path Model, 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 04.-08. August, Atlanta.
- Reck, F., Kolloch, M. (2017). Turbo Engine or Crank-handle – The Influence of Central Management on Knowledge Acquisition Decisions in Interorganizational Networks, R&D Management Conference, 1.-5. July, Leuven/BE.
- Reck, F., Kolloch, M. (2017). Types of Knowledge and Patterns of Knowledge Transfer, 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, 14.-18. May, Wien.
- Reck, F., Kolloch, M., Fliaster, A. (2017). Preparing Energy Providers’ Knowledge Base for Going Digital - Introduction of the EPOS Procedure, SmartER Europe Conference 2017, 9. February, Essen.
- Fliaster, A., Reck, F., Kolloch, M. (2016). Interorganizational Networks, Organizational Capabilities, and Innovation: An Empirical Study in the Energy Industry, Fachtagung "Der Stand der Netzwerkforschung", Deutsche Gesellschaft für Netzwerkforschung, 5.-6. December, Darmstadt.
- Reck, F., Kolloch, M. (2016). It's All in the Mix - How Configurations of Internal and External Knowledge Impact Organizational Innovativeness, R&D Management Conference 2016, 3.-6. July, Cambridge.
- Dellermann, D., Kolloch, M. (2016). The Impact of Controversies on the Evolution of Innovation Ecosystems: Findings from the Energy Industry, R&D Management Conference 2016, 3.-6. July, Cambridge.
- Fliaster, A., Kolloch, M. (2014). Implementation of Green Innovations – the Impact of Stakeholders. Angenommen für die Präsentation an der R&D Management Conference 2014, organisiert von Fraunhofer IAO, 3-6. June 2014, Stuttgart.
- Reck, F., Fliaster, A., Kolloch, M. (2021). How to Build a Network that Facilitates Firm-level Innovation: An Integration of Structural and Managerial Perspectives. Journal of Management Studies, forthcoming, doi: 10.1111/JOMS.12768 (VHB A, FT50)
- Kolloch, M., Reck, F. (2019). Kundengetriebene Innovation und Digitalisierung: Wirkmechanismen, Nutzenpotenziale und Umsetzungsbarrieren am Beispiel der Energiebranche, Becker, W., Eierle, B., Fliaster, A., Ivens, B., Leischnig, A., Pflaum, A., Sucky, E. (Eds.), Geschäftsmodelle in der digitalen Welt - Strategie, Prozesse und Praxiserfahrungen, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 123-143.
- Kolloch, M., Reck, F. (2017). Innovation Networks in the German Energy Industry - An Empirical Analysis of Interorganizational Knowledge Transfer, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 11(2), doi: 10.1108/IJESM-02-2016-0003. (VHB B)
- Fliaster, A., Kolloch, M. (2017). Implementation of Green Innovations – the Impact of Stakeholders and their Network Relations. In: R & D Management, Vol. 47, Issue 5, pp. 689-700.
- Dellermann, D., Fliaster, A., Kolloch, M. (2017). Innovation risk in digital business models: the German energy sector. Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 38 Issue 5, pp. 35-43.
- Kolloch, M., Golker, O. (2016). Staatliche Regulierung und Digitalisierung als Antezedenzien für Innovationen in der Energiewirtschaft am Beispiel von REMIT. In: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 40 (1), S. 41–54. (VHB C)
since 2022 | Authorized Representative, N-ERGIE Regenerativ GmbH |
since 2022 | Head of Generation Control, N-ERGIE Kraftwerke GmbH |
since 2021 | Managing Director Ökostrom Franken GmbH & Co. KG |
2017-2021 | Head of Commercial and Central Tasks, N-ERGIE Kraftwerke GmbH |
2013-2016 | Research Associate and Doctoral Candidate at the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Innovation Management at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg |
2012-2016 | Doctoral Candidate at N-ERGIE AG, Nürnberg |
2011-2013 | Research Associate at the Chair of Business Administration, especially Innovation Management at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg |
2011 | Internship at Audi AG, Neckarsulm |
2010-2012 | Master's degree in Business Administration at the Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg (top of the class) |
2010 | Internship at Mecklenburger Management GmbH, Neubrandenburg |
2010 | Student Trainee at the Public Utilities Neubrandenburg |
2009-2010 | Study abroad at Högskolan Skövde, Sweden |
2008 | Internship at Ostsee Consulting & Investment Group, Bad Doberan |
2007-2010 | Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at the Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg |
2007 | Internship at FRU-Finanz-AG, Neubrandenburg |
2006-2007 | National service |
2006 | A-Levels at Albert-Einstein Gymnasium Neubrandenburg |