Welcome to the Jungle - Agriculture at SEGA Bamberg
Last summer semester (SoSe22) students of science education were able to set up a school garden-like field at the vicinity of Bamberg. In cooperation with Acker e.V., the topic of ESD was taught by gaining experiences with practical field work. According to the seminar's theme "from lecture halls to fields and nature", lecturer Yelva Larsen and field coach Andreas Reder focused on teaching agricultural skills in regard to science education. Aspects like preparation of the field itself, planting and sowing and watering methods during the summer's draught were just a few essential topics that have been discussed on a weekly basis. At the end of the seminar, the students were able to harvest more than 20 types of vegetables which were then used as ingredients at a final cooking event. The university's field is looking forward to being once more used and enjoyed in the coming summer semester of 2023.

SEGA in summer 2024
Once again this year, a group of students got together to plant our university field. We were 10 people in total, all with great enthusiasm for gardening and different levels of experience in this field.
Firstly, we collected ideas about which plants we wanted to plant. Then we drew up a planting plan that also took into account suitable plant partners. Accordingly, we procured the necessary seeds and grew some plants at home. In the beginning, we had to work hard to prepare the soil so that we could plant seeds or pre-grown plants in the ground. At first, there was no recognisable bed between the grasses and undergrowth. Around mid-May, the time had come and we planted potatoes, strawberry, kohlrabi, cucumber and melon seedlings in the beds. The first small harvest was not long in coming, with a few juicy red strawberries. Now we take care of our little plants together, weed and water them from time to time. We are excited to see what else our beds will bring us over the course of the year....