Welcome to Science Education

Teaching students to become professional teachers for biology, chemistry and physics is one of the most important challenges to be met in modern society. It is up to you as future science teachers to fascinate, encourage and foster school children for science. Members of The Department of Science Education want to accompany you along your path of becoming a teacher for primary (Grundschule) or secondary schools (Mittelschule). 

Our lectures have a strong emphasis on practical studies including digital devices and a learner-oriented approach. With our own seminar rooms we can plan and conduct scientific experiments in the same way teachers would do in science class rooms. In addition, lessons will be developed and discussed. Based on these principles, valuable knowledge and skills can be gathered in order to learn teaching in a student-oriented, individually specified and media supported manner. 

Especially topics like individual learning pathways and students' conceptions, development and evaluation of digital learning environments and research in the field of sustainability and ESD are important fields of research that can be found throughout our lectures and seminars.