Sabrina Sailer-Frank, M. Sc.
- Game Design in Vocational Education
- Higher education development: teacher training and continuing education
- Digital communication in higher education development
- Multimedia and digital teaching and learning
- Competence measurement and modeling in corporate education contexts
- Operational management of the DigiTrain VET project (04/21 - 03/22)
- Operational management of the project EDEKomp (since 05/23)
Gamification in the context of vocational education - Dynamics of player types in gamified teaching-learning arrangements.
Dissertation Projects of the Professorship of Business Education - Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen
Conference Contributions
Annen, S.; Schiedeck, C. & Sailer-Frank, S.: “Digital transformation in the automotive sector - Comparative results from Germany and Brazil” at the JVET Conference 2023, Oxford (England), 14. 07.2023.
Annen, S. & Sailer-Frank, S.: “Communication Strategies in Times of Crisis - Qualitative Results from Swedish and German Universities ” at the CICE Conference 2023, Toronto (Canada), 27.06.2023.
Sailer, S.: “Individuelle Förderung von Spieltypen mittels Integration von Gamificationelementen in der Hochschulbildung” at the BWP 2022, Freiburg (Germany), 26.09.2022.
Sailer, S. & Annen, S.: “Gamifizierte kollaborative Kurselemente zur Förderung des kollektiven Handelns und der Partizipation “ at the 50. dghd Jahrestagung, Paderborn (Germany), 09.09.2022.
Sailer, S. & Annen, S.: “Gamified collaborative course elements to promote active participation in higher education“ at the EARLI SIG 14 Conference, Paderborn (Germany), 19.08.2022.
Annen, S. & Sailer, S.: “Ausbilder von Morgen. Kompetenzorientierte Anforderungsprofile an Absolventen wirtschaftspädagogischer Studiengänge durch die Digitalisierung” at the digiGEPF 2021 (digital), 22.09.2021.
Sailer, S.: “Veränderungen von Ausbildungsgestaltung durch Corona – Eine exemplarische Betrachtung und Good Practice Ansätze kaufmännischer Ausbildungsbetriebe” at the BWP 2021, Bamberg (Germany), 16.09.2021.
Annen, S. & Sailer, S.: “Relations between communication strategies of universities and governmental guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic – Potential transferability for VET providers?” at the IVETA (digital), 23.09.2020.
Beckert, J.; Sailer, S.; Gerholz, K.-H. & Dobhan, A.: “Zeitgemäße Hochschullehre zur Förderung digitaler Kompetenzen an der Schnittstelle technischer und betriebswirtschaftlicher Geschäftsprozesse” at the Conference “Kompetenzen für die digitale Transformation. Eine Herausforderung für Unternehmen und Bildungseinrichtungen”, Schweinfurt (Germany), 04.03.2020.
Sailer-Frank, S.: „Player Types Reloaded – Go For Motivation?” at the Mensch und Computer Conference, Sektion Gam-R, Rapperswill-Jona (Switzerland), 03.09.2023.
Sailer-Frank, S. & Feil, S.: „"Es war einmal in der HS..." - Game-Design als maßgeschneiderter Motivationsbooster” at the U:FF 2023 (digital), 28.04.2023.
Annen, S.; Gössling, B.; Gerholz, K.H., Sailer, S. & Schlottmann, P.: “Implications of digital transformation for future design of higher and VET Educaional Studies.” Workshop at the EAPRIL 2021 (digital), 25.11.2021.
Sailer-Frank, S.: Let’s Gamify Teaching! Spielerische Ansätze für die Hochschullehre von heute. Seminar im Auftrag der ProfiLehrePlus Hochschullehre Bayern am 07.06.2023.
Sailer, S.: Let me entertain you – Praktische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Gamification. Lehrgang im Auftrag der Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen am 14.07.2022.
Sailer, S.: Gamification - ein spielend leichtes Labyrinth?. Lehrgang im Auftrag der Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen am 21.07.2022.
- S: Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
- 4,00 SWS
- Silvia Annen , Sabrina Sailer-Frank
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung S: Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
- HS: Betriebspädagogik
- 3,00 SWS
- Silvia Annen , Sabrina Sailer-Frank
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung HS: Betriebspädagogik
Winter Semester 2023/2024
- Business Education
- Learning and Teaching with Digital Media
- Principles of Scientific Work
Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)
Summer Semester 2023
- Management of Educational Processes (Courses A, B and C)
- Law of Vocational Training
- Research Questions in Business Education
Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)
Winter Semester 2022/2023
- Research Questions in Business Education
- Business Education
Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)
Summer Semester 2022
- Management of Educational Processes (Courses A, B and C)
- Law of Vocational Training
- Research Questions in Business Education
Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)
Winter Semester 2021/2022
- Research Questions in Business Education
Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)
Summer Semester 2021
- Management of Educational Processes (Courses A, B and C)
- Research Methods in Business Education (Courses B and C)
Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)
Winter Semester 2020/2021
- Business Education
- Basics of Learning and Working (Courses A, B and C)
Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)
Academic Backround
2020 – today
PhD Candidate at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER
2018 – 2020
Business Education (Minor: German) (M. Sc.) at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, GER
2014 – 2018
Business Education (Minor: German) (M. Sc.) at the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich, GER
Professional Backround
2020 – today
Doctoral Research Fellow at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER
2018 – 2020
Student Assistant at the Professorship of Business Education at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, GER
2017 – 2018
Working Student at Amazon Publishing Germany, Munich, GER
2015 – 2016
Student Assistant at the Professorship of Leadership and Organization, Professor Martin Högl, at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, GER