Economics and Business Education - Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen
High level of interdisciplinarity: Our research makes use of different perspectives and disciplinary approaches are used.
Internationality of projects: The focus is on Europe and North America.
Networking: The professorship is characterized by external networking with companies especially with a commercial focus as well as university schools.
The research results are to be used in order to develop resulting implications for the future design of vocational education.
Recognition of competencies (national and international)
Educational decisions and educational trajectories
Effects of the digital transformation, especially on the commercial occupational area
Current Publications of the Professorship
Annen, S. (2024): Immigrants’ perception of informal learning in their labour market integration. In: J. Scharfenberg, J. Hufnagl, A. Kroner, & M. Spiekenheuer (Hrsg.), Migration und Bildung in der globalisierten Welt—Migration and Education in a Globalised World. Perspektiven, Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Migrationsgesellschaft—Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Migration Society (S. 35–51). Waxmann Verlag GmbH. URL:
Annen, S./ Hufnagl, J. (2024): Potenziale des Skills Ecosystem Approach für den Fachkräftemangel in Deutschland. In: Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Online bwp@, Spezial HT2023: Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023 20.-22. März 2023 an der Universität Bamberg, S.1-25. URL:
Hufnagl, J. (2024). Intersectional Discrimination in the Transition to Vocational Education and Training. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 56(1-2), 37–54.
Hufnagl, J./ Annen, S. (2024). Nachhaltigkeit in der betrieblichen Ausbildung – Kompetenzanforderungen aus unternehmerischer Sichtweise. bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik – online, Ausgabe 45, 1–29.