Madhav Poddar

E-Mail: madhav.poddar (at) uni-bamberg (dot) de

Address: An der Weberei 5, 96047 Bamberg

Room: WE_5/05.100

Office hours: on request


Madhav started working as a Research Associate at University of Bamberg in July 2023. He will be involved with the CoCo Project with his primary focus being on the Comparative Visual Analysis of Clustering Ensembles. His research interest includes but are not limited to:

  • Data Visualization / Expressive Visual Encodings:
    • Scatterplots / Binned-Scatterplots
    • Part-to-a-whole charts
    • Visual encodings involving Space-Filling Curves
    • Visual encodings designed to address the issue of scalability
  • Exploratory Data Analysis / Enabling Visual Analytics:
    • Clustering
    • High Dimensional Data Exploration
    • Multivariate Temporal Data Exploration
    • Explainable AI (XAI)

If you have an interest in Clustering or any of the research areas mentioned above, and/or if you are seeking a project or thesis topic, please feel free to contact him.