Good Reasons for Studying in Bamberg
There are many good reasons for studying for a Master's degree in Interaction Research & Design at the University of Bamberg:
- The broad interdisciplinary education lays the foundation for developing your own groundbreaking ideas and products with an application and research focus.
- Within the framework of a creative process, sustainable and innovative solutions are to be developed that are appropriate to the challenges of rapidly changing developments in the context of technological progress.
- The interdisciplinary education enables students to manage and accompany challenging projects. This comprehensive competence also opens up opportunities for potential start-up ventures in the field of user-centred design.
- Graduates recognise the interactions of human action practices and use this deep understanding to link with technologies to generate innovative ideas. Knowledge from various fields such as usability standards, interface design, user-centred design methods, integrated organisational and technology development as well as qualitative analysis methods are incorporated.
- Research-oriented projects - Master's students work actively in small teams with the lecturers on current research topics of the chairs.
- Small seminars - direct contact persons - no waiting times - no anonymity. The Master's programme Interaction Research & Design offers a very good supervision ratio due to its size and staffing.
- A broad range of subjects is offered by the chairs in the field of applied computer science and in the field of computer science.
- Study in a student city with flair. The world heritage city of Bamberg offers something for every taste, both in terms of leisure activities and culture.
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