You can start this degree programme in the summer or winter semester. It is necessary to apply for admission to the master’s programme.

For admission to the master’s degree programme in History, a completed university degree (six semesters/180 ECTS points) with a minimum grade of 2.5 or a qualification with equivalent status is required.

The following language skills are also required:

  • thorough knowledge of the English language (at least B2 level) and
  • knowledge of another modern foreign language (at least A2 level) or Latin (‘Kleines Latinum’/intermediate level).

    The Examining Board makes decisions regarding the recognition of language skills acquired in other ways on the basis of an assessment by a lecturer in the foreign language in question or the respective subject advisor at the University of Bamberg.

    The master’s degree programme in History is usually a continuation on the bachelor’s degree in the field of history or cultural studies/the humanities and accordingly requires knowledge of the field’s academic working methods.

    Applicants who have obtained no or very little course and examination credit (up to 15 ECTS points) in the field of history in their qualifying bachelor’s degree and who are lacking this knowledge must compensate for this by completing up to three introductory modules from the catalogue of the bachelor’s degree programme in History (up to 15 ECTS points) as an admissions requirement, depending on the result of the individual review of their application documents. Applicants are permitted to start their studies before they have fulfilled the aforementioned admissions requirements. Fulfilment of the admissions requirements must be verified by the end of the second semester of study.

    You can find complete information on the application process on the Office of the Academic Registrar’s webpages.

    Still have questions?

    Do you still have questions about the curriculum or the admissions requirements? The University of Bamberg’s Central Student Advisory Service is happy to help. Specific questions about the curriculum can be answered by the subject advisor. You can find their contact details under Contacts.


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