Michael Truong Ngoc

About the Person

Michael Truong Ngoc has been an external doctoral student at the Chair of Information Systems, especially AI Engineering in Companies since February 2024. After completing his bachelor's degree in computer science at Goethe University Frankfurt, Michael Truong Ngoc completed his master's degree in business informatics with a focus on deep learning methods at the Technical University of Darmstadt. During his master's degree, Michael Truong Ngoc worked as a working student in software development at SAP SE and then worked as a software developer in the field of cloud data warehousing from September 2020 to March 2023.

Since April 2023, Michael Truong Ngoc has been working as an IT Technology Consultant at SAP SE in the Data Science & Artificial Intelligence department. His activities include the development and provision of intelligent solutions as well as support in the transformation towards the intelligent enterprise.

Research Interests

Michael Truong Ngoc's research interests lie in the development and use of artificial intelligence within companies. He focuses on investigating how trust and security can be created and promoted for AI-based applications.



In teaching, Mr. Truong Ngoc supports the team in the supervision of theses and research projects.