Marie Langer

About the Person

Marie Langer started working as a research assistant for Professor Mirbabaie in January 2023. Since December 2023 she is now also part of the Chair of Information Systems, especially AI Engineering in Companies at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg.

In 2020, she completed her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at the University of Bremen and her Master's degree in Economics at the Technical University of Dortmund in 2022. During her Master's studies, she already focused on socio-technical systems and dealt with measures to cope with algorithm aversion in an organizational context within her Master's thesis. Since 2021, she has also worked as a research assistant (WHB) at the Junior Professorship of Information Systems, esp. Digital Society of Professor Mirbabaie at Paderborn University.

In her function as a project associate within the research project "Innovation for Sustainable Development" (INNO4S) funded by the state portal ORCA.NRW, Ms. Langer develops and creates digital teaching/learning offers to promote the digitization offensive. The project addresses the increasing demand for teaching materials at the interface between these mega-trends. The aim is to anchor the topics of sustainability, digitalization & innovation in business courses in order to support the global quest for sustainability through digital innovation.

Research Interests

Marie Langer's research interests lie in the field of human-AI collaboration and interaction. Here, she places a particular focus on the investigation of collaboration between humans and machines and explores the question of how this collaboration can be optimized. She also aims to investigate the extent to which people's rejection of technologies (e.g. AI-based systems) can be reduced and which measures are explicitly necessary for this.


In teaching, Ms. Marie Langer supports both the Master's courses "Green AI" and "Hybrid Intelligence", as well as the research projects offered by the chair ("Digital Transformation and AI-based Systems" and "Digital Society and AI-based Systems") in the Master's program. She also supports the practical project on "Human-AI Collaboration" offered for Bachelor's degree courses and supervises final theses.

Selected Publications

Marx, J., Langer, M., & Mirbabaie, M. (2023). Understanding Digital Nomadism as an Employer Branding Signal. ICIS 2023.

Rieskamp, J., Mirbabaie, M., Langer, M., & Kocur, A. (2024). From Virality to Veracity: Examining False Information on Telegram vs. Twitter. In 2024 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).