Job advertisments for academic staff / student assistants

The job advertisments of the University of Bamberg include the female, the male as well as the third gender.

Job advertisments for academic staff


Research Assistant


(civial servant)

quantity of positionsseveral
volume of employment50 - 100% of the regular working hours
remunerationE 13 TV-L / A 13
to be filledas soon as possible
limited to/formax. 6 years
job descriptionto the job description(322.0 KB)

Job advertisments for student assistants

StelleStudent assistant (m/f/d)
Anzahl der Stellen1
Beschäftigungsumfangmax. 21,5 Stunden per month
Vergütungsee Information sheet(4.2 MB, 8 pages)
zu besetzen ab/zumas soon as possible
befristet bis/fürup to 12 month
Ausschreibungstextto the job description (only in German)