Changing Institutions of Higher Education

If you would like to study Business Administration, International Business Administration, Finance & Accounting, or Economics and Business Education at the University of Bamberg next semester and have earned credit for course work and examinations, completed internships, or completed courses or will do so in the ongoing semester at another institution of higher education, please submit a request for recognition(19.2 KB, 2 pages) (19.2 KB, 2 pages) to the Examining Board.

Requests for credit recognition must be submitted to the Examining Board as soon as possible and immediately upon the start of your studies at the University of Bamberg.

The current versions of the request forms must be used (see above).


Recognition of credit

Credit earned for equivalent course work and examinations can be recognised in the bachelor's and master's programmes.


Request for recognition

You must request the recognition of credit as soon as you have received official confirmations of course work and examinations completed, internships, and courses completed from your previous institution of higher education (examination certificate, confirmed list of marks, Transcript of Records, etc.).

First, fill in the request for recognition(18.9 KB, 2 pages) (18.9 KB, 2 pages).

Present the form and copies of verifying materials from your institution of higher education to the subject advisors from whom you are requesting the recognition of credit. The subject advisors will confirm in writing whether examination and course credit are recognised. Once you have received the confirmations of individual credits, please submit the request for recognition to the Examining Board together with the following documents:

  • Request for recognition
  • Confirmation of individual credits by the subject advisor
  • Copies of the confirmations from your institution of higher education (original documents must be presented)

If you send your request by mail, the copies of the documents must be certified.

If you would like to start your studies at the University of Bamberg, the request should be submitted within the first semester.

You will receive an email informing you about the recognition of credit and the admission to the respective semester of study.

You will be enrolled within the regular enrolment period.