Former members of the chair
Dr. rer. pol. Mashood Ahmad

Research Assistant from October 2016 to August 2021
CAMELOT Management Consultants AG
PhD thesis
Innovationskultur in der digitalen Welt: Entwicklung eines integrierten Modells zur Gestaltung einer erfolgsversprechenden Innovationskultur
More information about the PhD thesis can be found here.
Please find an overview of publications here.
Dr. rer. pol. Mathias Doetzer
Prof. Dr. Mariam Dopslaf

Research Assistant from May 2012 to September 2016
FH Bielefeld
PhD thesis:
IT-Outsourcing Behavior in the Logistics Sector within the Context of Digitalization - An International Systematic and Comparative Scenario Analysis
More information about the PhD thesis can be found here.
Please find an overview of publications here.
Christoph Klötzer, M.Sc.

Research Assistant from October 2012 to March 2018
DMT GmbH & Co. KG
PhD thesis:
Cyber-Physical Systems und Digitalisierung – Eine Betrachtung aus der Management-Perspektive
Please find an overview of publications here.
Dr. rer. pol. Helena Preiß

Research Assistant from May 2012 to April 2014
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
PhD thesis:
Service Engineering in der Logistik – Die systematische Entwicklung von Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)-technologiebasierten Mehrwertdienstleistungen
More information about the PhD thesis can be found here.
DB Schenker Award 2014
Please find an overview of publications here.