Qualification goals of the master’s program International Information Systems Management

Scientific qualification:

  • By successfully completing modules of the master’s program International Information Systems Management, graduates can independently solve complex problems in regards to operational and inter-operational information systems in businesses and administration, for example, ERP systems, communication systems or marketing systems. They can develop advanced, scientific methods and techniques, manage their implementation, verify the results and present them adequately.
  • Graduates can use quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method approaches like data- and literature analyses, experiments or case studies to create scientific contributions for solving interdisciplinary problems.
  • After partaking in relevant modules, graduates understand, reflect and can continue developing in-depth methods and theories regarding information systems management.
  • Graduates know from lectures, tutorials, projects as well as seminar papers in-depth methods and theories of economic sciences and related disciplines.
  • From their final paper and disputation, graduates show that they can design, develop and present extensive scientific research by applying their knowledge learned throughout their studies. They can develop their own research question concerning scientifically accepted standards and can continue to develop their chosen field. Therefore, they are entitled to study for a doctorate.

Employment qualification:

  • Graduates demonstrated in tutorials, projects and seminars as well as potentially in an international internship that they can apply methods and techniques of international information systems management in new and inter-disciplinary contexts.
  • Through their studies, graduates become familiar with thinking analytically and systematically, which allows them to solve new challenges and understand complex relationships with limited information and through integration of existing and new knowledge.
  • Graduates can plan, execute and manage their project work.

Personal development:

  • Graduates can solve problems of international information systems management alone as well as in inter-cultural teams. They have shown that they can take responsibilities as well as work and communicate in teams.
  • Graduates learned decision-making in tutorials and projects, distributed tasks and took responsibility for their work. They can independently organize and manage their teams.
  • Graduates have shown that they can professionally communicate and interact with inter-cultural teams through their international internship, potentially in multiple foreign languages.
  • Graduates can independently learn profound knowledge and they are prepared for lifelong learning, which international information systems management requires.
  • Graduates set their individual focus during their studies and developed expectations for their professional career. They recognize and assess their own abilities and can satisfy requirements. They work internationally as project managers, IT controllers, IT consultants and other related professions.
  • Graduates recognize their social status and responsibilities by partaking in social network studies and can research social systems with scientific methods.
  • Graduates recognize the technical and non-technical effects of using information systems, and can responsibly shape the digital transformation of economy and society.
  • Graduates understand the ethical questions and challenges arising through the usage of information systems and can critically reflect social processes with a sense of responsibility and as a matter of the democratic, public spirit.