Informationen zur Bewerbung für die Psychologieveranstaltungen als Ersatz für unser Modul 'The Future of Work'

For Master-Students with PEM- or F&P-Focus, there is the opportunity to take two psychology-courses from the chair of Prof. Dr. Astrid Schütz, instead of the course "The Future of Work", if desired.

The two psychology courses are: "Angewandte Personalentwicklung" (Prof. Schütz/ Schmitt) and an accompanying Seminar. More information concerning the placement of those courses in the module tables can be found on the websites of the "Prüfungsausschuss". For further information about the courses, please check the website of Prof. Dr. Schütz.

Due to a limited number of participants, you are required to send an application via email to the chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour to attend these courses.

To apply for the winter term 2024/25 please send your application by the 30th September 2024 via kursanmeldung.bwl-personal(at) . Your application should contain your curriculum vitae, a short letter of motivation, your bachelor degree grades and a FlexNow-extract of your current grades in the master-programme.