BFC-M-06: Empirical Data Analysis in Finance

Winter Term 2023/2024

Course Description

This course examines mathematical and statistical principles and techniques for implementing empirical analyses of financial data. Topics of study to be taught include: financial data and descriptive statistics; normal distribution and sampling distributions; confidence interval estimation and hypothesis testing; proportions and means testing in financial data; design of experiments and ANOVA; correlation analysis and scatter plots; simple and multiple linear regression; time series and panel data analysis; asset pricing models (CAPM and Fama-French); event studies in finance.

Course and exam language: English

The Module in the Study Program

  • Module: BFC-M-06
  • Course level: Master
  • Recommended semester: 3-4
  • ECTS-Credits: 6
  • For information on the status of the course in the study program, please refer to the website of the examining board ("Prüfungsausschuss")

Bibliography & Course Material

The corresponding bibliography and further information on the course can be found in the course catalogue ("Modulhandbuch") available for download through /studium/im-studium/modulhandbuecher (German only).

Course material as well as organisational details will be provided on the Virtual Campus.

Registration & Scheduling

Registration and deregistration for the exam ("Prüfung") is possible under "BFC-M-06: Empirical Data Analysis in Finance" through FlexNow!.

Please note that the number of exam participants is limited. The decision about admission/rejection will be communicated after the expiration of the registration deadline.

In the case of any registration problems, please contact bwl-bfc(at)

For information on deadlines, please refer to FlexNow!, UnivIS, and the Virtual Campus (after the start of the course).

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